2. Accidents and Memories

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Chapter 2 Accidents and Memories

[Liz's P.O.V.]

I looked up at him. Robert. That’s what he said his name was. “I'm Liz,” I finally said.

He smiled and sat next to me. “So, what are you doing out here all alone?” he asked

“Just….. sitting” I said, looking down at my hands after I realized I’ve been staring at him for too long.

“And you’re not cold?” he asked surprised

“Not really,” I told him, looking at him again, curiosity in his amber eyes. “It’s not that cold” I said as I noticed what he was wearing, only a thin v-neck shirt and black jeans. His brown hair glisters in the sun’s rays as if he just took a shower. “And you? You’re not cold?” I asked him.

He smiled, “Nope, I actually like this weather. It’s not too hot or not too cold.”

I looked at the sky. The sun was out, but it was just warming the morning. There wasn’t enough wind to make the morning chilly, just a breeze making it feel calm and peaceful.

Here in this town, the smells were different too. Nothing like the smoke and pollution from the city I came from. Instead, there was the smell of leaves and pines, the air was clean and I could even smell the next door neighbors were making for breakfast.

“Yeah, I like this weather too,” I admitted. I was actually liking this town, and not only because of Robert…. He was nice and it seemed that he was fun too… but this town somehow seemed more peaceful, and here, not everyone knew about my past, about what had happened in the last two schools I’ve transferred from. They wouldn't be scared of me, or think I was a freak. Maybe all the accidents I caused would never haunt me again either.

He chuckled and I looked at him. He was staring at two other people, two guys that were standing outside their house. Both were tall, their muscles could be clearly seen through their thin shirts. The guy on the left had brown curls that in a way made me envious of him. They were perfect, no hair out of place and the sun making it change color every so often, from brown to red to brown again. His hands were in his pockets and his hazel eyes were looking at Robert and then at me. The other guy had midnight black hair that tumbled down over his forehead. I noticed his black eyes were focused on me only and a grin was spreading on his face. He waved at me and I smiled waving back.

“Who are they?” I asked Robert.

“My brothers,” he said and as if that were his cue, the one that waved at me came over and stood in front of me. The other, slowly came after.

“So Robert, trying to get a girl already?” the one that waved at me asked him but he still kept his eyes on me.

I flinched at what he just asked; remembering last summer, when I had Max… when it seemed perfect and nothing could go wrong, but it did and now…

I looked away, feeling tears and forcing them back. I tried to calm myself before I did anything stupid again.

I heard smacking and complains. “You just scared her Ethan.” Robert said

I looked back at them. Robert was standing next to the guy I now knew was Ethan, and Ethan was rubbing his head.

“Oww, don’t put the much strength on the hit,” he scowled at him. “I know your young but—“ he stopped as if remembering me. “Oh, Did I scare you or something?”

I shook my head.

“Sorry if I did.” He said and extended his hand. “I’m Ethan”

I shook it, “Liz”

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