The Girlfriend...

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Ethan's POV

I was just standing there wondering. How was I going to ask Kali to be my girlfriend now?

Kali's POV

" Ow!!! " I screamed. " Spencer! What the heck was that for?!?! "

Spencer's POV

"I am doing this for your protection!" "Doesn't feel like it!!!" She screamed back. "We'll it's not my fault. I can't have you near him! You two are now forbidden to be together! My law!"I told her. " ugh. Your not my father you know. Just because my parents are dead doesn't mean you still treat me like I'm 4!!!" At that point, I just didn't know what to do. I hated being in fights with her. " Ethan was about to ask me a question! And I am determined to find out!!!" She unlocked the door and jumped out! I slammed on the brakes and asked why? She told me that it was because of how I still treated her like she is a little kid. "I told you! I'm trying to protect you!" At that point; is as chasing after her. I don't want her I go out with Ethan! He will try to kill her. He will go out if control! Why can't she just understand that! I punched a humongous dent in the side of a car because I punched it. It's not my fault. I'd rather do that than kill somebody. But all of the sudden I heard a crying. It sounded like Kali, but not completely. Wa there someone one I that car? In really worried now.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short update! I'll try to get in my next one tomorrow! I hope you liked the chapter! Remembers vote comment and share my book! Thanks! Love you all! Bye!


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