Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 21)~His Dream

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A/N: This will relate to Chapter 20 (Her Dream), but this is Laurance's dream. ~Carleigh

~The Dream, Laurance's POV

"LAURANCE, I HATE YOU!" Aphmau screams. 

The moon's light reflects off of my armor. The splashing water of the Irene Statue is the only thing that can be heard between the silence. Phoenix Drop is completely silent, even know it's just Aphmau and I in the plaza. Garroth's gone missing, Dante's on patrol, Katelyn's on her ship, Kiki's resting in her barn, Zoey's taking care of Levin and Malachi, Lucinda is in her cottage with Bigglesworth The Owl. Brendan's flirting with Sasha, Emmalyn's reading a book while Kenmur does research. It's just Aphmau and I... All alone. 

"I-I'm sorry." I choke out, tears interrupting my words. 

Tears are also streaming down Aphmau's face, "YOU CAN'T APOLOGIZE FOR THIS!" She snaps. 

"H-HE TOOK THE AMULET FROM MY POCKET!" I reply in the same tone she's using. 

"YOU LET HIM TAKE IT!" She yells. 


She grunts, then storms away. The galaxy print on her shirt soon disappears as she gets Thorgi and walks away. I swing my green cape around, then stomp off to the guard tower. 

"Dante...? Dante!" I call out. 

"Hello?" Dante's voice echoes as I step onto the guarding deck. The blue haired boy turns around to meet my gaze, "Is everything ok? I heard you and Aphmau screaming all the way from here." Dante asks. 

I nod, not trusting my words. My eyes are puffy from crying and my cheeks are tear stained, not in the name of Irene am I going to trust my voice right now. 

"You liar." Dante smirks playfully. 

I roll my eyes, then hear Aphmau's scream from a mile away. Dante and I stare at each other, wide eyed, then we jump down the ladder and race down the streets of Phoenix Drop. 

"APHMAU!" Dante and I both call multiple times. 

I know that I'm probably the last person that she wants to see right now, but I'm her guard and her friend. Nobody's going to keep me from at least knowing what's wrong. Dante and I search Phoenix Drop for her, until I find her crying at the Wyvern's den. The one that Ungrth and Raven (Garroth's Wyvern) used to hide at. 

"Aphmau?" I ask, trying to be as comforting as I can.

She looks at me with glossy eyes and a tear stained face. I kneel down to her level and gently wipe an incoming tear away with my thumb. I hear Dante's footsteps faint as he gets farther away. 

"What's wrong, Lady Aphmau?" I question. 

She sniffles, then starts, "I think Garroth's dead." She says. 

My body jolts up. I grab Aphmau's hand and pull her up. Her and I start running through the forest, "Do you know where he could be?" I ask as we pass the Old Lord's House. 

"Yes. DANTE! KATELYN!" Aphmau yells, "STRANGER." She finishes. 

The three of them find us, "I know where he is." The Stranger states. 

"Good." Aph replies. "Follow me." He finishes, then starts running farther into the woods. 

Aphmau, Dante, Katelyn and I follow him until we reach a clearing, "GARROTH, DON'T GIVE ZANE THAT AMULET!" I yell. 

The amulet is only centimeters from Zane's dirty palms. Garroth glances at me, "This is what you get." He mutters. 

"What'd I do!?" I ask, trying to keep my cool. 

Garroth takes the amulet from Zane and whips his body around in my direction. He walks closer to me, "My so called... 'Brother' ripped my heart to shreds!" He snaps. 

"How?" I question. 


I can see Aphmau in the corner of my eye have a shocked expression. So... She was truly oblivious to the fact that Garroth liked her... 

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I snap in the same tone Garroth used. 

He scowls at me. I take his distracted time as an opportunity. My hand slithers from my sword to the thin air. I try to take the amulet from Garroth, but he flinches back quickly just as my skin hits his. 

Garroth laughs mechanically, "You fool." Garroth taunts. 

I growl, then let him go. Once Zane has the amulets, we're teleported to a world that's white. There's a huge church. Church bells fill the dimension. This is the last place I'd ever... EVER want to be.

The Irene's Dimension.

~Reality, Laurance's POV

I wake up with a start. Now I know what it's kind of like to have the weird dreams Aph's been having.

Phoenix Drop?

Sounds like home...

I may just be homesick, but that wasn't Phoenix Drop as it is right now. And we were definitely not there. I just wonder what 'Garroth' from my dream meant about Aphmau and I ripping his heart to shreds... I snap myself from my thoughts and get out of bed. I hear shuffling in the living room, so somebody must be up. 

I open my door and see both, Aphmau and Dante up. They're cooking while the O'khasis News is playing on the TV, "Hey." I greet.

Dante looks at me, smiles then heads to his room. I guess he had to get ready. I walk into the kitchen, "Pancakes." Aphmau informs before I even asked. 

I help Aphmau cook until (note the word 'until') she puts pancake batter on my nose. I gasp playfully, then put some on her forehead. Unfortunately, this becomes a full on FOOD WAR!

Wish me luck...
I'll need it.

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