Meet The New Boy In Town

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First period. Calculus. 0820
I've always hated math class. I have never been the kind that can solve math problems fast and without a calculator, maybe easy ones, but not long complicated problems. "Alright kids" this won't be good, "as it is the fist week of school I won't give you assignments, but I'll be writing some problems on the board and you will come up to solve them", great, what I was missing, standing in front of the whole class and embarrass myself with my non-mathematical brain.
Well, math class wasn't that bad, for today, I didn't have to stand up as the rest of the class. The teacher, Mrs. Bui, decided to just skip me, I guess, which means she earn the title of favorite teacher, for now.
Second period. English IV. 0950
English. The only subject I am good at, beside art(which I love). I sit at the very back as I usually do in my English classes, just to get some kind of inspiration from my isolation from the rest of the class, and I took out my notebook and a pencil to start drawing. "Good morning class, my name is Mrs. Webster" she sounds very nice, I hope she is, "and I'll be your English teacher for this school year. "Why don't you stand up and say your name and what you want to do when you graduate, let's start with you young gentleman on the very back." Shit. I pick up my head and look around. There's no one else around me, everyone is at the very front, I guess my plan of going unnoticed didn't work that well. "Good morning," I start as I stand up, "my name is Alexis Miller, but you can just call me Alex, and when I graduate high school I plan to go to college and get a major on English literature and a minor on art." And I sit down, that probably went better than I expected. "Well Mr. Miller, nice meeting you." They did hear me, or at least she did, " I expect excellent jobs from you as you want a major on English literature." "And you will Mrs. Webster" I assure her.
Lunch. 1115.
It's so nice this school has a court yard, I hate having to be sitting down doing nothing. I told Ashley to wait for me on the front gate next to the front office before we go to eat, as we usually do. My phone vibrates. I see is a text, from Ashley;

Ashley: I have second lunch, I'm sorry baby. See you in last block.

Great. I guess she went with the counselor to change a class and ended up with a complete new schedule. I hate it when they do that. I'll just go in and look for someone I know and actually can talk with.
I look around the cafeteria searching for a familiar face, that and looking for cute boys. I've had two boyfriends since I came out on 7th grade, and I think that it should be nice to end my high school life with one. Finally my eyes land on David and Mia, two of my closes friends. I've know them since 5th grade and basically inseparable. Mia, David, Ashley, and me, the Fruity Four. Mia is pansexual, David's bi, Ashley a lesbian, and me, well, I'm gay as fuck.
"Hey guys! Ashley won't be making it today to lunch, she doesn't have the same one as us." I let out a tiny giggle after that, because, gosh am I funny. "Alex, please shut up" well fuck you too David. "You're jokes are so bad they are funny." States Mia. "Um, I don't know how to take that to be honest." "Take it as an insult" harsh Mia, fuck you. "Well I'm going to grab something to eat."
Fifth period. Anatomy. 1315.
Nothing actually happened on my fourth period; Mr. Soria, the teacher, just gave us something to read. Government is going to be a very boring class.
The teacher has been outside the class for about thirty minutes now. I can see that he's with someone, a student, I think. I want to know why is taking him so long. I hate having to be sitting down doing nothing; I don't know why, but I have never been the type of person that have to be sitting down, I have to do something if not I get really uncomfortable. Finally, the teacher is coming in, with a student.
"Good afternoon class, my name is Mr. Gonzalez," that kid is actually very cute, I hope he is too, "and, we don't just have a new kid on campus, but he's new on town too." Oh my god, I need to befriend him before someone else does, if I want something with him. "Hello everybody," he's voice, raspy and soft at the same time, why can't I marry him right now?, "My name is Jake Eden," he's now looking directly at me, I want to die now please, "is a pleasure to meet every single one of you" did he just wink at me? I swear he did, oh my god.
****Jake POV****
I start walking towards that cute brunet boy, I'm new in town and nobody knows anything about me, this might be the year I finally come out. I take a sit next to him, "Hey, name's Jake." "Hi, I'm Alexis, but you can just call me Alex." The teacher giving some information about something. Truth is, I got expelled from 5 high school since my freshman year, so I had a reputation back at my hometown. "Dude," Alex pokes my shoulder, "pay attention, he says-" "hold up, who says I'm not actually paying attention?" Who does this kid think he is? My mom? "You are staring like an idiot outside the window." "Wow, you sure are hard, minus one" "minus one what?" He sounds so confused, "one point less of me asking you out." I wink, and, oh boy, he's red as a tomato right now, he tries to talk but just can't, how cute, I might actually going out with him, "well," he finally manage to say, "just, shut up." Jake: 1, Alex: 0.
After school. 1440
"What are you doing now baby?" I ask Alex just to mess around with him. "one, don't call baby; two, I'm going home; three, I'm going to play some Pokémon." This fucking nerd like Pokémon let's fucking marry right now. "You like Pokémon too?! Why don't we just go out now?" "Because we just met, that's why." And he's going on his bus, well, I guess that's the end for today. I'll just have to find out he's address and go pick him up later.

ALRIGHT I SUCK V MUCH DOING THIS But I think it's going pretty good so far. This was supposed to go up the day after the prologue but, I kept falling asleep and not actually finishing the chapter. The next one will be up next week, or sooner, I still don't know ;D

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