chapter 2

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My heart sinks. In the blink of an eye Katniss is up and starts pushing Prim behind her. "I... I volunteer as tribute!" She yells. Effie tries to object but the major who seemed upset about the situation said " What does it matter. Let the girl come up." Katniss walks to the stage with no emotion on her face. "Let's continue" Effie belts joyfully. She crosses the stage to the pool of boys name. Hand deep into the pool of names of boys. I breathe in and exhale. Effie pulls out a slip of paper. I almost pass out, I feel lightheaded. "Peeta Melark" she exclaims. I make my way to the stage. I had a lost hope in my heart that one of my three brothers would volunteer for me. I walk up the stairs and shake Katniss's hand and the the anthem blares and we are escorted into the justice building.We get an hour for family and friends to visit us and bid us goodbye. My mother walks in with a semi-smerk on her face. I knew she didn't like me as much as my brothers but wow. To watch me get get killed is a little extreme. No 'goodbye', no 'I love you'. All she said was "Maybe district 12 will finally have another victor" The thing is though, she didn't mean me. She was talking about Katniss.


I had no other visitors. At one point I think I hear my dad faintly. It must just be apart of my imagination. We are taken to the train station, but not just a regular train. This one goes about 200 miles per hour. We will be to the Capitol in about 2 days. When Katniss and I board the train she heads straight to her room. I can sort of comprehend why she did. Being straight faced when you are staring death in the face can be hard. I don't take time to examine my room, crawling into the chill sheets. I insantanly fell asleep, I had 1 thought before i fell asleep. "I wonder if Katniss remembers the bread."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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