Chap. 17: Snow White

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(A/N: If some of you are all wondering if why 'Snow White' is the title, well you'll find out soon. Later in this chapter. And also, I forgot to tell you, I'm very sorry if I haven't updated in a while. My tablet wasn't working for almost three days, but thanks to my brothers, they got it fixed. Heheh, so, Jane~)

Narrator's POV ~
Lyona was walking around the place to search for her family that were pirates also, while eating her apples. She had eaten two of them. She walked around every store, every corner. "Aw. No sign of them here either." she said to herself as she took a last bite of her second apple. After she finished eati g it, she took another piece of apple and took a bite.

'Might as well go to the Human Auction House. They must be starting to get worried. I better go there now.' Lyona thought.

She placed back the bitten apple in the bag. And then she started walking. But she had these uneasy feeling, like soneone was following her. She ran as fast as she could to find Grove 1 and meet up with Kid and the others. She was in Grove 3, and then she went past Grove 2, and then finally, she stopped at Grove 1. It was still a few miles away. So she started running again.But this time, she was getting slower. And she was starting to get dizzy and panting very hard.

"Must've run out of energy. I need to refill." she said. She started looking for a store that was selling water, but it seems there was no store nearby around. So she took her bitten apple and took a bite. But then when she took a bite, the world around her was spinning. She dropped the fruit and the bag. (A/N: See? That's why Snow White. Because of the apple. Hehehe. Sorry for such lame chapter titles. :D Well, itikimasu.) And she was starting to loose her balance.

"Now!" someone from a short distance said. And then two men started running out of an alleyway and directly to Lyona's direction. "MMMMHHHFFFF!!" They placed a handkerchief in her mouth to keep her from screaming. It was hard for her to struggle because her body was becoming numb. And then they both dragged her back to an alleyway. When they got there, Lyona had blacked out. "Finally. Let's go." one of the guy who took her said. "Yeah. Let's take her back to the boss." the second guy said. And then they walked to an underground passage with Lyona on one of the guy's shoulders. Who knows what's going to happen to Lyona.

Kid's POV ~
"Is that all you got you weaklings?" I said to my opponent in front of me.
After our quick fight with Scratchman, we started heading to the Auction House at Grove 1. But then these scumbags bumped into us, so we started a fight. And now their leader was begging for his life, when all of his comrades were unconscious.

"Please. No more. I beg of you." the guy said.

"Heh. I don't think so." I said. And then I took out my gun and pointed it at him.


Then I shot him.

"C'mon Killer. Let's get going. I don't to miss out on Lyona. Something might have happened to her or worse. So let's hurry up." I said to them.

"Relax Kid. She'll be fine. She's strong just like you. No one can mess her up. She even got to control you. So just, relax. Don't let it mess you up." Killer said.

"Maybe your right Killer." I said.

And he nodded. Maybe he's right. Maybe Lyona is just fine. I shouldn't let it bother me. But I can't help feeling uncomfortable. I feel so uneasy.

"Kid. Let's go." Killer said, standing in front of me. Then he started walking and I started walking as well. Not long enough, we made it to Grove 1. While walking to the direction of the Auction House, "Huh, people don't know how to throw their own food. They're disgusting." I said as I found three apples on the road. And the other one was bitten. Weird. Why would anyone buy apples, eat it and just throw it away, and especially on the middle of the road. Well, I'm not here to find out about that. I just kicked the apples on the side and continued on walking to the Human Auction House.

Narrator's POV ~
Kid and his crew were walking towards the Human Auction House. They went inside and the whole place was crowded with many rich people. So they just went and stood at the back. But, at the back seat, he saw his rival. Trafalgar Law.
But Kid didn't mind as he was thinking about something important. Law noticed them come in and was keeping an eye on them. But eventually, he turned his attention back at the stage.

"Killer, have you seen Lyona anywhere." Kid asked Killer that was standing beside him.

"I'm afraid not Kid." Killer said.

"Ugh. Where is she. I'm beginning to freak out, out here. Damn." Kid said.

"Kid. She'll come. Just wait." Killer tried calming Kid down.

"Ugh. Fine. But if she doesn't come, I'll destroy this place." Kid said.

"Ok." was all Killer said as they turned their attention to the stage.
And then they saw the announcer, Disco, who just came out of the back stage. He placed his microphone below his mouth and started announcing, "And now, ladies and gentlemen. Next up is our fresh and new product. And we just barely got her. She's fare, she's a beauty, she's sexy. Let's give it up for, the beautiful blue haired lady, Miss Lyona!"

(A/N: Ah~! I would really like to thank eveyone to those who have read and voted on my stories, especially to those who have commented. I am really inspired to do more stories because of your comments, positive or negative, I will do my best to make these stories entertaining to all of you. Heheheh. I'm so happy. Thank you everyone, very much. So, I better go now. Bye bye. Love ya'll. :D)

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