It all started because of the Yull Ball

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Harry was just rejected by Cho Chang and went to the Great Hall, Ron hadn't found a date either. Harry was completely frustrated, I want to have a good time who should I take? Ginny noticed he didn't have a date and he didn't want to take just anyone? She knew Harry went up to the clock tower when he wanted to be alone and think. I'm going to approach Harry she thought to herself. Standing all alone in the clock tower after his defense against the dark arts class he thinks in solitude. Ginny came from the Gryffendor tower she changed and freshen up to talk to Harry. She approached him slowly, Hey Harry! Hi Ginny what are you doing up here? Looking for you silly! Did I forget something? he asked her. No Harry you have been blind to what's in front of you, I've liked you for years you saved my life my first year and I always wanted to be more than friends Harry! Standing right next to him, do you know how to dance yet? Harry looked at her working on it he replies than he had a little grin. Ginny cupped his face softly with her hand, why don't you take me to the dance and I'll show you how to dance? Don't you want to have fun with me? Harry was taken back by her asking him out. YES but can I say I asked you out when you offered to help me with my dancing so I don't make a fool of myself. Of course she replies and than Harry he leaned over to say thank you and Ginny kissed Harry on the lips. It was a peck at first than it deepened. Harry smiled when he pulled away, so we should practice the dance? Yes meet me in the common room tonight after homework. Harry leaned to kiss her again and she obliged I am all yours Harry! Let's go to dinner. Harry walked with Ginny down stairs to the Great Hall, the Yule ball is our first date but it doesn't have to be our last either. The next hogsmade visit we can go just me and you? I would love to Harry! Harry reached out to grab her hand. They talked about Quidditich, I love flying Ginny told Harry, you're brilliant. Harry blushed they entered the Great Hall and sat across from Hermione and Ron, she noticed right away. Ron looked at them and Harry tells the both of them I asked Ginny to the Yule ball and she has agreed to come with me as well as helping me with my formal dancing so I don't make a fool of myself. Are you bloody mad?... Ron zealously told Harry but before he could utter another word Ginny leans forward if you continue I'll hex you and you'll wish you would never had been born!! As Ginny was sitting down the twins told Harry it's about bloody time you got a date and the twins looked at Ginny what did you do to make him ask? I offered him dancing lessons and you don't need to know the rest. The twins look at Harry, she takes after us you know!! Harry laughs at that and tells Ginny this should be fun! Ginny owls her mother and asks her if she had an appropriate dress for her. HARRY POTTER asked me out mom practically yelling on the page, Molly laughed at this but noticed her daughter was trying to be proper about it. Molly asked hedwig to stay, she got one of her books of dresses to make by hand, went out to find a beautiful cerelian blue material and laced blue material that was simular in color. Molly found the perfect pair of silver high heals on sale. Molly also went to madam bagshaws for a invisible braw to go under the dress which Molly found thankful for close to nil. Molly pulled together a beautiful dress in her opinion. Harry finished his homework sitting on his bed, he smiles at the thought I get to dance with Ginny. Ginny turned on the radio and their was classical waltz middle pace music playing Harry kept on looking at their feet trying to not step on her feet but the more he tried not to the more he did. Ginny replies Harry I need to see your beautiful green eyes you can't dance with me looking at my feet. As Harry looked in her eyes he blurts out Gin your so beautiful just the sight of you makes my heart skip a beat. Harry even though I love the flattery it will not teach you to dance. He replies I'll complement you after stepping on you feet for the 100th time I thought I at least owed you one. He stepped on her foot again well you almost owe me another one soon. He replies maybe I'm distracted by your beauty. Okay that's enough for tonight my feet need rest. Harry went to Hogsmade they were on break and bought Ginny an Art Deco floral charm necklace made of silver chain and back plate and had black stones that made the flower. It's a protective necklace as well he thought. After their second dance lesson Harry got presentably good, he wasn't stepping on her feet anymore, after their lesson, Harry hands her a box a thank you for your patience with my dancing. Ginny loved it and hugged Harry than kissed him, sitting on the couch next to the fire in the common room. Ginny received a box from her mother sent back with hedwig and a note that said I want to see pictures and anything for my daughter. Your father and I will see all of you including Harry and Hermione at the three broomsticks Christmas Day for lunch. Ginny told Harry about the note she had told Hermione earlier. Ron ended up going with Pavarti Patil he was just grateful to have a date, he didn't have the guts to ask Hermione out as he should have. I bought you a collage and it's a blue flower to match your dress, I went with Victor when I bought the necklace and bought one for Pavarti because I know how dense your brother is, I wanted you to know how sweet I am. Why on earth would you want me to know how obviously sweet you are? Harry replies so I can get more snoging time? They kept kissing, Hermione was doing more studying for when school resumes and Ron came in from his dorm and tells Harry let's play chess! Harry snapped can you tell I'm busy snoging your sister! Yeah don't do that in front of me! Ginny replies we were here first go away Ronald, we just finished our holiday homework and practiced our dancing now we are snoging, go do your homework like you should. Hermione tells Ron do you need help, I'll go up to my room. When it was time for bed Harry went up and Ron was looking at a dirty magazine, Ron your such a hippocrit if I look at those you would say I'm cheating and aren't you going with Pavarti? Just for the Yule Ball. Your dating my sister, you should have asked Hermione on a date than looking at the dirty magazine. He closed his curtain and silenced the area around his bed.

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