Chapter 4: The Party

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Hope's P.O.V

"NO,NO NO NO !" I looked at Vanessa and Jocelyn. "Theres no way in hell im going to a party with them there,especially Harry. They'll just start drama im not looking forward to that." Jocelyn spoke up,"C'mon Hope please,barely anyone ever throws parties at UCL it'll be fun, you wont have to see him you'll be with us the whole time." I looked at Vanessa wondering if she'd be okay with the fact that there'd be drunk people there,knowing what happened years ago, if she wasnt okay with it we were definetely not going. "I havent been to a party in forever, dont worry Hope i'll be okay dont let me stop you guys from having fun." I was shocked at the fact that she basically agreed to go with us, i guess she's finally breaking out of her shell. I sighed dramatically,"Alright,alright lets go get ready,we only have an hour."Vanessa wore a flowered blue dress with a denim jacket and tan sandels. Joclyn wore a a light blue high low dress with feather earrings and light brown heels.I decided i was gonna wear the dress i bought a few weeks ago which i never had a chance to wear until now. It was grey/blue on top with a brown belt in the middle and a floral bottom, i wore my cream colored leather jacket and my brown sandels to match with my purse. After the three of us did our make up and hair we grabbed our phones and purses and left our flat. 'Wait, do we even know where zayn lives?" I looked at the two of them waiting for a response.Jocelyn finally spoke "Uh no i dont but i can.." she couldnt finish her sentence due to her phone ringing. I heard her say things like "alright" and "ok i got it". She hung up and looked at me and Vanessa. "Um that was Zayn he gave me the directions to his house i know where it is i'll drive." To be honest i was really hoping we didnt find out where he lived. We made our way to the car, Im praying Harry wont be there, i dont want to start anything with him. Just seeing him annoys me.After about twenty minutes of driving i heard Jocelyn say "We're here." I groaned, here goes nothing.

Jocelyn's P.O.V

I cant believe that Hope actually agrees to come with us considering the fact that Harry would be here and she hates everything about him. I looked around the place secretley looking for Zayn. Where could he be? Then i realized he might be snogging with Skylar, why is he with her she doesnt even seem like his type. I dont know how he could tolerate her attitude. "Hey guys i.." I couldnt finish my sentece i realized that Hope and Vanessa werent any where near me. "What the hell." i whisered to myself. How did i lose them. I felt uncomfortable around all these people who were drinking smoking and eating each others faces. I just hope Vanessa wasnt alone, she'd have a panick attack if she was ,i worried for her. I decided to call them to see where they were, no answer. Im guessing they couldnt hear due to the loud music playing. I texted them asking where they where, and to meet me outside, it was a bad idea coming here in the first place i should have never made them come.

Vanessa's P.O.V

"Crap, crap crap !" How did i loose them i feel so stupid. I cant be around these drunk people its not safe. I had to call them to see where they were. I decided to go somewhere more quiet. I looked around the place and finally found and empty room. I went inside and took my phone out. Jocelyn called and Texted to meet her outside. Guess she wanted to leave as much as I did. I honestly wasnt looking forward to tonight, but i wouldn't let myself ruin their fun because of that one thing that happened a few years ago. 'We meet again." I realized i wasnt alone anymore. I turned around to see Niall standing there with a smile. I didnt say anything, i didnt move, i didnt feel safe around him, or any guy for that matter. His smile faded after i didnt say anything. He finally spoke again. "Listen, Vanessa is it ? I know i look scary but im really not , you should learn to give some guys a chance, i know you might think im some type of jerk but im not. I know you dont get involved with guys because you're shy but come on now, you cant even say Hi or anything." He kept going on and on. He thinks i stay away from guys because i was shy, if only he knew. "It's not that im shy.." After i said that I instantly regretted it. I knew he would be curious and that he'd ask question after question. Before he had a chance to say anything i rushed out of the room.

Niall's P.O.V

So she's not shy, Why wont she give me a chance ? Maybe one of her exes did something to make her believe that all guys are the same. I just wish i can prove her wrong, and show her i'm not like the rest. I just wished she wasnt so difficult to figure out. This would definately take time, but im not giving up on her.

Zayn's P.OV

"Baby i'll be right back.' i said to Skylar . She just nodded. Where was Jocelyn, i thought she'd be here by now. I looked around and saw her near a crowd of people drinking. She looked horrified. I walked up to her. "You can come to my room and stay there until everyone leaves if you'd like" She turned around shocked that i was there. "Um-I-Im actually about to leave, im waiting for my friends" She was so shy I found it cute. "Alright well wait for them somewhere else, you look like you're about to faint" She gave me a smile and finally gave in. I didnt want her near these people they might try and do something, I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head.I grabbed her by the waist and led her to my room.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. I'll probably update another two times today if i have the time. I'm trying to update as much as i can before school starts because i know i wont have time later on. So yeah comment, like. Let me know what you think. ♥ :) (sorry this chapter was a bit boring ill try to make the next one better)

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