Chapter 1

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Lisa run!" Mosiah yelled to me.  I did what I was told and turned the other way and ran like my life depended on it. I never knew these kinds of things were real. I only imagined them happening in movies or books, not in the real life. The way they looked and how the growled caused cold chills to run down my spine. My head was spinning and I wanted to know two things. What did they want? And why were they after Mosiah?

I was becoming tired and my feet began to fall behind me.  I needed to gasp for air but I knew I couldn't.  If I stopped running, who knew what they were capable of doing. In panic I snapped my head and looked the opposite way of the way I was running. When my head connected back with the way my body was running, my foot then came in contact with a tree stump. Before I could react, my body was affined with the hard ground. I started to hear yelling and growling. The yelling was closer than I thought and I didn't want to risk being seen. I quickly and quietly backed up on the tree that was behind me. The footsteps were getting closer and closer to my head. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep the whimpers from coming out. The feeling of someone standing next to me came to the pit of my gut. I turned my head slowly and as I looked up my eyes connected with a pair of red ones. These pair of eyes held so much anger and that anger was coming straight for me..

Three months earlier.

"Ahhh! Was the noise that came out of twenty people's mouth plus my own as we went down one of the biggest and longest roller coasters in the biggest amusement park in Texas. I through my hands up and closed my eyes as we slowly began to leave the top of the coaster tracks. When I was a little girl I use to imagine being on a rollercoaster that was so high that once it reached the clouds, I would be able to see the angels and even though I am seventeen I sometimes still imagined it.

"Hold on babe!" Mosiah screamed as he took hold of my hand causing me to pop my eyes back open.  I laughed at him as we went down the hill. His eyes were closed and his mouth was wide open and screams streamed out. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. My dark brown curly hair was flying all over the place and Mosiah tried to hold on to his hat as we went down the last hill on the roller coaster. When close to the bottom, a camera flashed and took a picture of us.

"Welcome back riders, how was your ride?" Announced a skinny lady with blonde hair. Most of the people on the ride gave a little "woohoo" as we pulled in the entrance. After the announcement was made for us to get off and to ride again soon, we got off and walked over to a little booth that read " The Panic Reactions" to get our picture that was taken of us on the ride

"Look at your face." I laughed and pointed at Mosiah on the picture. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were wider than the sun. .

"Well your face was cute too." He said sarcastically as he put the picture in front of my face so that I could see my reaction. My mouth was also wide open but my eyes were closed.

"Shut up." I said to Mosiah playfully punching his hard chest. He put his hand on the part of his chest that I hit and smirked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his tan hand to entwine are fingers. As we walked around the fair looking for more rides, I seen a game booth filled with super big stuffed animals.

"What?" Mosiah said when he seen me stop. He followed my eyes and seen were I was looking.

"Don't you want to win your girlfriend a prize at the game booth?" Mosiah shook his head no but then smiled which caused me to smile back at him. I kissed his cheek and pulled him over to the stand.

"COME ON OVER AND PICK THREE BALLS. THROW THEM IN THE FISH BOWL AND WHEN A PRIZE!"  Said a short chubby man wearing a checkered shirt, and hat as he yelled into megaphone.

Mosiah gave him 3 dollars for 1 game. He threw the first ball and it landed right into the bowl. Then the second then third. "CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG MAN YOU HAVE WON! PICK YOUR PRIZE.

Mosiah pointed to the big pink stuffed zebra that was almost as tall as me. The man grabbed it for him and he handed to him.

"You know me to well." I said as I grabbed the pink zebra from his hands. I reached up and kissed his lips, which was my way of saying thank you.

"Anything for you." He smiled at me showing his perfect straight white teeth. Whenever he smiled his eyes would glow lighter than their original hazel shine.

As we continued to walk around there was a little sit in restaurant that caught both of our eyes.

"Want to go get something to eat in there?" He asked me. I nodded my head and we walked over to the restaurant named "Little Peters." As we got closer I could smell the pizza and bread warming. Just the smell of it made by stomach growl. We quickly walked in and ordered are food.  Mosiah ordered a hamburger and fries and I ordered a ham sub with potato chips.

"10.78." The girl at the register with black hair said. She looked around my age but a little bit older with a piercing in her eyebrow and lip. Her mascara was a little heavy and she wore light pink lipstick which seemed to suit her well. This girl seemed like the type of girl I would hang out with until I seen the way she was looking at my Mosiah. She looked at him with lust in her eyes and it gave me chills.

I looked up to Mosiah who was too busy trying to look in the kitchen to see the cooks making the food. I shoved him a little with my hip to bring him back to reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what was the total again?" I snickered at him and shook my head. I almost forgot about the cashier until her fake giggle filled the room.

"10.78." She said again this time looking down and biting her lip. Mosiah handed her a twenty and she handed back his change and receipt.

"Your change." The girl said smiling at Mosiah and fluttering her fake eyelashes. Before he could take it from her I snatched it out her hand.

"Thanks." I said giving her a fake smile and walking away. I heard Mosiah chuckle as I walked away and he walked over to me and sat in the chair next to mine.

"Why do you do that?" He said smiling. I shrugged my shoulders and placed my zebra on the window ledge.

"Those kinds of girls piss me off. Why do they pretend I'm not standing right next to you?" Mosiah then shrugged his shoulders and smirked at me.

"Maybe it's because you're so beautiful those girls get jealous and try to push your buttons."

"Well it works." Mosiah chuckled and grabbed my hand, rubbing his big soft thumb in circles on  my skin.

"Well you shouldn't let it because you have nothing to worry about. Not one girl could compare to you." He said as he hit my nose with his index finger.  I snickered and rolled my eyes playfully at him but I also look at him with awe.

When are food came to our table, we both ate in silence but gave each other looks. The same looks we have been giving each other for three years.

"So what do you want to do to end our day?" Mosiah asked me. I smiled and I probably looked like an idiot but it was because he had ketchup on the side of his mouth.

"How about the fares wheel." I say as I take a napkin and put it to his mouth,wiping the ketchup off.

"Alright let's go before the line gets too long." We through are trash away and make are way to the fareswheel line. Lucky for us the line was really short and we only had to wait five minutes.

As the next cart became free, Mosiah and I jumped in. Before we began to move I slipped my jacket on because it gets a chilly at the top. The top of the fares wheel approached and I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I turned to see Mosiah's hazel eyes looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him as I try to cover my face a little to hide my light pink cheeks.

"I am  just admiring the most beautiful girl in the country." Mosiah says as he moves my hair back from my face. His words gave me butterflies and caused my cheeks to turn a little shade of light pink again

"Well stop it, you're making me blush." I say playfully and turn the opposite way. I can hear him snicker and his laugh causes me to giggle. As I turn back around I see his hand reach for my face. He puts his finger underneath my chin and my eyes connect with his. "I love you." Were the words Mosiah said before his face was inches from mine and are lips connected at the top of the fares wheel.

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