Chapter Four

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Sam's POV

I couldn't decide if introducing Kinley to the pack was going very well or very terribly. I mean, they clearly liked her and she seemed to be liking them. She'd even cuddled up to Jared a bit, which was definitely a good sign.

But then there was Embry and Paul.

Embry, who had imprinted on her. I was aware that an imprint with someone so much younger wasn't bad. It could be great, actually. It worked amazing with Quil and Claire. But this was my little sister. I'd met her less than a day before, and she was dealing with a shattering loss. This imprint walked a fine line. Either it could be good for her, help her through this tough time and strengthen her, or it could turn into a big mess that only make things more difficult.

I had to give Embry credit, though. He didn't seem to have the intentions of sending things downhill in the slightest. I knew he was waiting for his imprint. The whole pack knew. His desire wasn't exactly subtle. But we were also privy to the fact that he had pretty high standards. As someone who was already imprinted, I knew that list wouldn't matter a single bit once Embry found his other half, but when he found his imprint in Kinley, I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me. When I asked him about it, he gave the answer I would have given in his place. So that was good.

Still, I couldn't help it. I worried. Even though Embry gave me no reason to.

My worries were somewhat eased when Kinley actually laughed and smiled for him. Surely that showed the imprint was already helping.

Then there was Paul. The asshole I was still unsure how to deal with. Barging into my house, after I'd instructed them all to knock and wait to be let in, and scaring Kinley so that she stepped into the wall. The poor girl's back was already covered with injuries. The last thing she needed was to add more. On the bright side - if we could even consider one - this ended up another opportunity for Embry to prove himself a serious imprint. Right along with me, he was there making sure she was okay. And when she reached for him... judging by the look on his face, she'd made his day. Or week. Or month. Embry was earning my respect and confidence fast.

Which was good because the less I worried over him, the more I could focus on how bad I was going to beat Paul later. Embry had Kinley cuddled on his lap back at the table, and Paul was standing in the doorway, shifting on his feet.

He met my eyes, and whatever he saw there - fury, most likely - made him freeze. Then he walked over to where Embry and Kinley sat. Embry seemed to tense, no doubt as angry as I at that moment. Paul knelt in front of my sister, a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey, little lady," he said softly. "Sorry I scared you. Are you mad at me?" The innocent expression he wore would have normally caused me to laugh. Now, however, I just watched stoically.

Kinley leaned her head toward Embry, eyeing Paul shyly. She blinked at him for a few moments. Then, in a way that seemed almost playful, she shrugged.

In response, Paul released his lower lip in a pout. "I'm really sorry. I'm just a grumpy guy. I'll be nicer from now on, I promise. We can even be friends?" He added the last as a suggestion, a hopeful light in his gaze. The entire exchange was giving me pause. Since when did Paul care about making nice with the imprints? I mean, he was cool with the imprints. He treated Emily and Kim like sisters, and he nearly always had a smile for Claire. But this felt different. Like he cared more, for some reason.

Before I could put more thought into it, Kinley caught my attention. She reached forward and pushed Paul's lip back, pushing away his pout.

He smiled. "So are we friends?"

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