Chapter Eight

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Sam's POV

The next day, Emily helped Kinley get ready for school as the sun was barely creeping above the horizon. In an exchange of roles that made Emily grant me a deep kiss while Kinley was brushing her teeth, I scrounged up breakfast for us. Nothing too elaborate -- toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon -- but the pleasure in my imprint's eyes made it beyond worth it.

Everything was ready on the table by the time my two favorite girls made it into the kitchen. I'd even had time to mix a glass of chocolate milk for Kinley. I vaguely wondered what had taken them so long, but then I caught a look a Kinley.

She was the most precious thing I'd ever seen.

A cute new outfit and hair done all nice -- obviously their time getting ready had been spent well.

Even more than that, though, was the excitement on her face. It was still mixed with nerves, but I found the optimistic emotion accompanying it very promising. Definitely better than how she'd been yesterday.

We sat down and ate breakfast. Em and I talked about our days back when we were in school. Good memories to help boost Kinley's confidence. The entire moment was so surreal. Us three, a family. I could only imagine how much greater it would be once Kinley was comfortable enough for us to have the pack around all the time again. Our little family -- plus the extended family of my brothers.

When we were done eating, Emily gathered the dishes and set them to soak in the sink, saying she'd wash them later.

Later...after Kinley was in school for the day.

We'd only had Kinley with us for a short amount of time, but I'd already gotten used to her being home. She was a fixture in my life. I came home not only to Emily, but also to Kinley. I wasn't looking forward to her being elsewhere all day where anything could happen. There could be an emergency. She could fall and hurt herself. The other kids could be mean to her. And I wouldn't be there to help.

I was working myself up, but I couldn't let Kinley know I was getting nervous now. I smiled as I helped her into my truck and she gave me a tentative one back. Yeah, no way could I ruin her high spirits. Instead, I kept my mouth shut as we drove over to the school, Emily assuring Kinley of anything she figured the little girl should know.

Before long, we were pulling into the parking lot. There was a loop around the front of the building for parents to drop students off, but I didn't feel up for that. I couldn't pull up and kick the girl out of the fucking car. Why would I do that? It was her first day. And she was only six years old. Hell no. I pulled into a parking spot instead, Emily glancing over at me with a knowing smile as I did.

Kinley looked kind of grateful that we planned to walk her in so I decided not to make any excuses aloud. I mean honestly, was it really so wrong that I wanted to make sure she got where she needed to go? And that she was settled in and happy on her first day?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

I kept a grip on Kinley's hand as we approached the front doors, Emily leading the way. Her knowing smile had evened into a smirk by this point and I had no doubt she could see right through me. She didn't seem to find any fault in it, though, so I continued keeping my mouth shut.

Just inside the doors there was a lady who clearly worked for a school who stepped in front of us, moving to lead Kinley away. "Oh, you don't need to do that. You can just let her out at the loop. Thanks for dropping her off." Her smile lacked malice but the fact that she was trying to make me part ways with Kinley before I was ready had me wanting to snarl. I held back the urge, of course, but I don't think the glare I was sending her way was anything but intimidating.

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