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"Here you go." Jungkook hands you a cotton candy.

"Oh! You didn't have to..." You look down at pink fluffiness.

"I wanted to, (y/f/n)." He smiles and walks alongside you. "Even so, you look so happy. I love to see you smile."

You blush as you realise what he just said.

Jungkook laughs. "I swear, if you keep blushing then you'll eventually turn pink... foreverrrrr!"

You laugh and feel the blush fade from your cheeks.

"Oh! Oh! (Y/f/n)! Let's go on this one!" And Jungkook practically drags you across to a lift ride, which goes over almost the entire amusement park before coming back to the start.

Jungkook and you get in line, and he pulls his hat down and looks at the ground to avoid being mobbed, and you imitate him, pushing your sunglasses up your nose and trying to blend with the crowd.

You reach the person who is letting people into the round carts, one by one, and Jungkook passes him without a word. You do the same.

The ride is pleasant, with the carts going at a moderate speed, the sun shining warmly onto both your laps, sending ribbons of gold spilling onto your shorts and Jungkook's ripped jeans. You smile as you look over at Jungkook, who is smiling to the point of exaggeration. You notice how his brown eyes look gold in the sun, his soft lashes glinting when the light caught them, his mouth curves upwards when he laughs...

"(Y/f/n)-ah?" Jungkook's voice snaps you out of your trance.


"I... I... I..."

You wait.

"I... I'm hungry," he says, and you are sure he was going to say something entirely different.

You smile and hand him your cotton candy.

"Wait! But that's yours!"

"I can't finish it all, Jungkook."


You gently ease your candy into Jungkook's hand. "Please."

Jungkook looks at you for a while, then takes a big bite of the cotton candy and hands it back to you, smiling.

"Thank you," he says quietly.


"(Y/f/n)-ah..." Jungkook mumbles.

"...what's wrong?" You stop walking and look at him, worried.

"...I need to tell you something."

You look at him... he looks nervous. Wondering what this is about, you pull him to the lift ride again. It is now late in the afternoon, and the sun is setting, casting a pale glow on everyone in the amusement park and sending streaks of purple and oranges and reds across the sky.

Once you are about halfway across the amusement park on the ride, Jungkook turns to you.

"(Y/f/n)," he breathes.

"Yes?" You whisper back.

He entwines your hand with his. "I've known you for three years now. Do you remember? This was the day I first laid eyes on you."

You look at him. "Jungkook?" You say softly.

He continues, "Every day since then... I've thought of you. What became of you. Wondering if I'd ever see that girl again..." He brushed away a tear. "You don't know how much it hurt to think that I would never see you again."

You look at your small hand in his. "I do know. Because I felt the same."

Jungkook looks at you, a small smile growing on his face. "I love you, (y/l/n) (y/f/n). I loved you ever since I met you, and I will love you forever more."

You hold his hand, feeling the ecstatic pumps of your heart, and whisper four words that you know will change your life forever.

"I love you too."

He smiles, cupping your cheek with his free hand, and leans in, pressing his lips against yours.

And you press back.

It feels like days, weeks, months, years, before you finally break apart. Smiling, you look at the sunset.

You had never seen something so beautiful in your entire life.

Idol (Jungkook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now