My Only

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Key: (y/f/s) = your favourite scent

"(Y/f/n)... "

You smiled, turning to Jungkook.


"I know we haven't really done anything really, um, romantic since the amusement park... so I was wondering if- um- if you wanted to go to this restaurant that I found recently..."

You blinked at him. He flushed red.

"I mean, if you don't want to go then we don't have to..."

You interrupted by placing your lips on his.

Sighing in relief, Jungkook fell into the kiss, hands circling your waist. You tasted a mix of honey and cinnamon, and he smells just like (y/f/s).

You broke away from the kiss and smile up at him. He cups your face gently and gazes into your eyes.

You sigh, running your hand through his hair. "Stop giving me the sappy eyes."

"You're the one that started it," Jungkook mumbles into your neck.


You slip on your dress for the evening. (see at top!)

Your Suki-unnie had a lot of formal dresses because she used to go to many of her parents' formal parties and she decided to lend you one.

"Are you sure?" You tug on the light purple fabric. Glancing up at Suki, you saw her smile.

"I am definitely sure about this one." Suki beamed, plopping you down on the chair in front of the mirror. She pulled your hair up to look at it. "We need Yooni to do your hair and GoGo to do your makeup... I'm not good at either of those."

"You seem to have fun dressing me up," you say, grinning.

Suki clapped her hands. "Of course! Seeing as we're all older than you and you're the first one to go on a date, we want everything to be perfect!"

Your phone buzzes.

It's Jungkook.

Jungkook: Hey (y/f/n), how r u? Remember the formal dress code!

Suki groans, clapping her hand to her forehead. "Hasn't he told you that EIGHT TIMES ALREADY???"

Yooni rushes over, juggling bottles of gel and different little accessories for your hair. "Well, let's hurry up and show him how fabulous you look!

You feel heat rising to your face. "I don't-"

"You are going to look fabulous, darling." Yooni says in broken English.

Here's the hair!!

Here's the hair!!

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"Wow!" You exclaim, turning your head to every angle. "Wow!"

You admired all the curls piled up at the back of your head, your eyes shining.

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