
7 1 1

Solar stood in a statuesque trance, time moving very slowly for her. She watched unhappily as the bonsai left and returned in, what seemed to her, an almighty rush, but she couldn't get the energy to tell them to slow down. A lot of things happened quickly for Solar. Splinter appeared, admitting that he could only go where the queen's magic was active and that he was glad to be away from the Conifer Forest, though he complained of the heat continuously. 

Actually the complaint didn't happen to quickly because Splinter, understanding what magic the queen used, spoke in a a long slow, and to the bonsai, unintelligible moan. It took him an entire season to get out his complaint, but he was satisfied with that because the season was Burning, which was always the hottest season. He wasn't really inclined to help Solar because if the charm ended, he would have to return to Dài.

Glow appeared with Fog and a number of saplings that Solar didn't recognize. The seven bonsai were very put out by having so many large trees in their forest. Though they loved Solar, these other's were a nuisance, their roots getting everywhere and messing up the beauty of the local rock gardens. Finally, and most importantly, Ceiba showed up.  

All were living in somewhat less than harmony, for a few moons when it happened. Glow and Fog were walking to the river, when they saw a slightly ragged Ceiba approaching. "Ceiba, is that really you?" Glow called out.

"Yes," Ceiba panted, "Where is Solar? No... wait... Where is water? I can't go see her like this."

Confused, but happy to see her childhood friend, Glow directed Ceiba to the nearest river. "We'll let Solar know that you are coming." Glow said. Glow chose to believe that Solar was simply living as our ancestors lived, always rooted, and that though she didn't talk, she could hear and was interested in what went on around her. The other trees thought she was being too optimistic, but she was closer to correct than any of them thought. This is why she didn't tell Ceiba about what happened.

Glow and Fog returned to the valley of the seven bonsai, and Glow told Solar who was coming. Though Glow was right about Solar's interested, to Solar, Glow seemed to be racing through her words and was unintelligible. Plus Splinter was complaining again.

Then, in what seemed to Solar, like a blur, something was strangling Splinter. This thing wrapped him up in a ball and wrestled with him until Splinter stopped moving, most of his branches broken and his leaves wilted. Solar found out later that it was Ceiba.

Ceiba knew immediately upon seeing the leafless trunk that it was Solar and assumed that Splinter had done this to her. He killed Splinter without compunction and raced to Solar, knocking rocks out of the way as he moved to cling to her.

Glow, Fog, and the others were drawn by the commotion and found first Splinter's dead body, and then two miraculous things happening at once. Ceiba, in his excitement, had dislodged that water stone, and leaves were beginning to sprout from Solar's branches once more. And, the vine that was Ceiba began to transform, becoming taller and broader with bark beginning to cover his form.

They all stood struck dumb as they watched the two changes happening rapidly before them. Before they knew it, there were two majestic trees standing before them, branches entwined and trunks pressed closely.

"What the -?! Back off my sister, you... you... just get back!" Glow yelled in confusion.

Solar was also confused. She didn't know what was coming at her, while she was petrified, and then to see this giant tree so close, to feel its buttress roots entwined with her own... well, she wasn't ready. She pulled back, disengaging from the strange tree only to see Splinter lying, well, in splinters on ground not far way. "Oh, Splinter! You ungrateful little complainer, wake up!" yelled Solar as she rushed to the broken bush.

"I can't believe you thought that THAT horrible creature would help your father," came a disgusted, and yet familiar voice.

Both Solar and Glow turned, even more confused. "Cei...Ceiba?" Solar stuttered out.

Glow was a little faster to understand, having seen Ceiba before the change. "Ceiba, how did you turn into this strange tree? Did you get landscaped too? Is that why you attacked this defenseless bush?!" Fog held her back, when she began to advance on the unknown, or maybe known but very changed, flora.

Ceiba was more worried about Solar, and he moved towards her until he realized that she was shrinking from him. The seven bonsai realized as well and surrounded him. "Solar. It's me Solar, the same flora that taught you how to spout water at the fire sprites. I'm the same flora that, as a vine, used to cling to you on long trips around the Conifer Forest." 

Solar was shocked into silece, but Glow would not be silenced. "You're not our Ceiba, don't you dare try to con my sister, after all she's been through. You're a... a murderer!"

Ceiba sighed and turned to Glow, knocking into a few bonsai guarding him zealously, "I can explain that." Glow gave a huff. "Really, I can." Ceiba turned back to Solar, and then looked down to the bonsai, "I swear I won't hurt her. Solar, I would never hurt you, either of you. Please, just let me explain."

Fog, having more insight than the sisters, intervened, "We will let you speak, but you must do so from there. Don't come near my wife or Solar. Don't so much as move a branch, or you will find yourself as broken that bush." When Glow began to object, Fog continued, "Not even landscapers can do harm with only their words."

"He's already touched her, who knows-" Glow began.

Fog cut her off, "and she's doing better now than before he did. Let's hear his tale."  Glow acquiesced, but motioned for Solar to come to her. Still dumbstruck, but intrigued, Solar joined Glow next to Fog.

Ceiba sighed again and started telling his tale"I will begin at the beginning, my beginning..."


And Ceiba told his story, but that is, as it were, another story. All you need to know now is that Solar and Glow lived happily ever after. Glow and Fog and all their saplings returned to the Tropical Forest. Neither Solar nor Ceiba ever returned to the Conifer Forest, and without explanation, Dài began to rot. Glow did not want the crown, but after sharing all she learned from her father to one of her saplings, she allowed it to return to the Conifer Forest to rule. 

Maybe, if you are all very good, I will tell you Ceiba's story, and give you details about what "happily ever after really means."


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