Chapter Four

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 “We’re going to have a look inside it.” My heart was racing once again, as she unzipped my bag. What had set it off? “Found it- body spray.” She pulled it out and binned it and put my bag through the machine after what had again seemed like a  heart stopping few seconds. “You packed this?”

“Yes I did.”

“Next time, put that in your case. " She handed my bag back to me, leaving me feeling like an idiot.

“Oh here they are!” Jess and Katy were waiting outside of duty free for us.

“We’ve got a few minutes before I want to head to our lounge; might as well make the most of the free food and drink!” Katy announced.

“I’m on it!” I said as Kelly and I went to buy some alcohol whilst Katy and Jess got some sun cream and bronzing lotion.

“What are we going to get then?”

“Pimms, vodka, WKD, done!”

“Sounds like a plan! You buy the Smirnoff.”

“Got your ID?”


“Knew that.”

“Sure!” I went and paid for the Smirnoff. The guy didn’t even ask for ID although he had to check our boarding passes. This time, it was my turn to find a guy good looking.

“Average.” Kelly laughed as we met up with the other two again.

“We need to go to lounge F…”

A few minutes later and we arrived at the business class lounge.

“Welcome” the guy smiled on the door. Our bags had to quickly be checked one final time and our boarding passes were shown. “Through you go girls.” And I’m pretty sure he was smiling at Jess.

“No going back now…even though we still have a long walk to our gate…” Katy said.

“Bit late for that…oh my god.” I said.


“It’s an aeroplane!”

“Oh dear god.”

“Someone help us!” Jess added.

“Who wants a drink?” Kelly changed the subject.

“Vodka and coke please.” I said without a doubt.

“I second that!”

“And I third it…” Jess and Katy both agreed.

Kelly went up to the self service area and got our drinks. Now usually I’m not one to drink- I like to party and have a good time for sure but I still like to be able to remember it. I did however consider downing my drink so I could get another one and be able to sleep on the plane. I knew however, that it wasn’t an option.

“Jess, Kelly- have you taken your travel sickness tablets?”

“Yep, I’ve taken them.” Jess replied, Kelly nodded.

“Guys, we had better make a run for it. The gate is closing in ten minutes!” I glanced at the time on my watch what Katy said was true. We had less than ten minutes to reach the gate; we’d be taking off in little over half an hour. We stood up and gathered our luggage together.

“We need to get to gate 215; it’s quite a long walk. Ready to run?” Jess lead the way, it was alright for her she only had her handbag and a boots bag. Whereas, I had that, my rucksack and a bag full of spirits. “Want me to take that?” she asked.

“Please! Don’t drop it though!” I was more than thankful for Jess to take it as we ran to our gate.

“Who said the airport would be easy?” Jess said.

“I really need the toilet.” I replied.

“Hold it.”

“I can’t run and need the toilet!”

“Of course you can, you’re a women, you can multitask.”

“This isn’t funny!”

“Who said I was laughing?”

“Shut up”

With our foundation smudged and eyeliner half way down our faces, we ten minutes later reached our flight gate and joined about another eighteen people in the priority queue. We couldn’t board yet as we were waiting for a few more people. To stop my nervous hands I decided to tweet:

‘ Just waiting to board- see you in a few hours’ time New York’

I also texted my parents and came over a tad emotional…

“Can I have your boarding pass and passport please?” the airhostess said, I gave them both to her and she scanned my boarding pass. “There you go, have a safe flight.”

I waited for the others before walking down the steps to the walk way for the aircraft. It looked like those two missing passengers hadn’t turned up yet. I glanced up to where I was sitting and looked at the girls. “Um girls, I’m not exactly sitting close to you.” Finding this out just added to my nerves.

“You never know you might have some gorgeous guy sitting next to you ey.” Katy laughed.

“It will be okay.” Jess squeezed my hand as we stepped onto the aircraft and showed my boarding pass one more time. It felt weird for once being on a plane and not sitting in economy.

“Through towards the front, on your left. Have a nice flight Miss Henderson.” The airhostess said to me.

“Lucy, it will be okay I promise. As soon as the seatbelt signs are switched off I’ll get up to see you or whatever as long as I’m not asleep…” Kelly convinced me, she ended up sitting next to Jess, to the right of the cabin and three rows in front of me. And to the right of them was Katy. “Plus it’s free food and drink on here so you can get drunk.”

“I don’t think they’ll let me…”

“Worth a go!” and with that we were kindly told to put our bags in the overhead storage. I struggled to reach and the airhostess ended up doing it for me. I sat down in my seat with a magazine, a New York guide book and my phone. I fastened my seatbelt and looked up through the gap in the aisle chairs in front of me to reveal Katy pulling a stupid face. This time it didn’t bring a smile to my face at all, I knew it was only a few minutes before take-off. I had started shaking and sweating. My heart was racing and I was finding it difficult to breathe.

To be perfectly honest I had zoned out a bit. Distantly I could hear “I’ll sit here. It’s fine.” Or something like that before the same voice said to me “Sorry could I get through please?” the voice was familiar but I couldn’t work out where I had heard it before. I pulled my legs in but didn’t look up as I was panicking too much, thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong. I know I shouldn’t but once my mind is focusing on something, I can’t think about anything else.

The plane started to move as the safety briefing was carried out. I struggled to concentrate; the girl carrying it out seemed to be staring in my direction. I didn’t want to make eye contact. The person next to me must think I’m a right twat…the airhostess walked along the cabin one more time, before the plane lined up on the runway ready to take off. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” I buried my head in my lap as the plane gathered speed. “Shit what am I doing?” I continued whispering under my breath. I could sense the person next to me staring...still staring...

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