Chapter 4: Problem

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Matthew's Pov
"Zee I got a problem." I say walking into his house.
"What's up bro?" He asks grabbing himself a beer.
"There's two girls in my music class I teach and I really like the one but I want to let the other one down gently." I say grabbing water.
"Well which one do you like the most?" He asks as we sit down joined by Meaghan.
"Her name is Sammy and she's got a wonderful sense of humor." I say taking a sip of water.
"So what about the other girl?" He asks popping in a movie for us.
"Grace is beautiful and sweet but not really my type." I say sighing.
"So then you tell her the truth." Meag says.
"Well your right Meag, I just have to wait until tomorrow." I say as the movie starts.

"Does Sammy make you happy?" Meag asks.
"Honestly she does, every time she walks in she lights up the room." I say sighing happily.
"Well then I say ask her out." Zacky says
"I will tomorrow, she's not on campus she went with her sister as she told me." I say grabbing a snack from my bag.
"Well you can tell me all about tomorrow." He says smiling as I smile back.
"No doubt about it, I might bring her over to meet you guys." I say.
"That would be wonderful Matt." Meaghan smiles at me.
"Yeah but what about mom and dad?" Zacky asks.
"I'll take her there this weekend." I say as he nods in approval.
"And we can come over as well." He says.
"Well this is all settled then. Well I need to get back to my place to get some sleep so night." I say getting up as they wave and I walk outside to my car driving to my house.
"I like her so much I hope she feels the same way about me as I do about her." I say to myself parking my car and I walk inside and go to my room changing my clothes and lay down to sleep.

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