Chapter THREE

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Author's Note: Hey guys! It's Friday! Cue the weekend. Anyway, in celebration of this, enjoy chapter three! It's a long chapter with lots happening. I hope you all love it and if you have any suggestions or criticisms, I'd love to hear them.

- Eli


Chapter THREE

She expected to feel groggy, or worn down but, much to her surprise, Morena awoke with a jolt. Her mind was sharp, keenly aware of the goings on about her. Well, what little goings on there were; she was in her bed with one of her women by her side.

'Ah, milday, it is good to see you well. I will go find Haman, he wished to be alerted as soon as you awoke.' The young girl, scarcely older than Morena herself, disappeared down the hall.

As she sat up she was made painfully aware that, while her mind was sharp, her body was still recovering from the sleeping draught. Her arms and legs were sluggish, weighing her down almost more than her belly. She briefly feared that the sleeping draught may have harmed her child but, she tried to assure herself, Haman would not give her anything that would risk the life of his lord's heir.

Haman. She remembered his final words, about saddling horses and protecting her. If she was still in the keep, then she had time to remind him who he answered to.

As if he could hear his name in her thoughts, Haman appeared in the room with the servant girl who had fetched him.

'Ah, my lady, you are feeling better, I trust?' he placed his satchel-bag on the bed beside her and fished around inside it.

'Not entirely.' she spat back venomously. 'If you intend to pack me onto a horse and have me ride away from my people in need, then you have another thing coming!'

She tried to stand, hoping it might give her authoritative words some added leverage, but her legs were not quite ready to support her and she fell back into the bed feeling dazed.

'Here, have a drink.' he handed her a cup of water and she eyed it suspiciously, not entirely trusting anything he handed her. 'It's just water,' he reassured her, taking a sip himself, 'it will help clear your system so you can move comfortably again. And as for riding you away into the sunset, I've no idea what provoked you to think that. I wouldn't dare do such a thing without your permission.'

'But Garen.' she mumbled between mouthfuls of water, unsure of herself at Haman's contradiction, 'You ordered him to saddle two horses...'

'Yes. To send out messengers. We're going to need help against the Felds. We don't have the manpower to hold them off.'

And everything fell into place. She leaned back into the pillows and breathed a long sigh of relief. But not one that would last. Haman helped her stand and lead her to the door.

'Come, lady Morena, you must see to your people now. The Felds have almost reached the village.'

'What about the people?' she panicked, stopping Haman immediately. She had meant to tell Garen to bring them inside the keep. She knew little of war and how to fight but, at the very least, she had wished to bring her people into the safety of her castle.

'Never fear, most are safe inside the castle walls already,' he replied, calmly easing her worried mind. 'The last few are on their way now.'

'Thank you, Haman.' she relaxed visibly, grateful that she was surrounded by capable men to support her. Though she sorely wished the messengers would reach Eaver in time. She needed him now more than ever.

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