Chapter Twenty : Drugs R Us

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Johan Powell

"Jo!" Ainsley shouted running down the large front steps before he jumped into my arms. I dropped my bag on the ground and embraced my younger brother holding him tightly while Seven went to Ajani instead and she picked him up and hugged him as well.

"You've been a good yout? No making mama upset?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around my neck. Our maid opened the large doors while some of the cartel went passed us and grabbed our bags. I turned my attention to Aaron who was looking around my childhood home in awe as his mouth opened.

"You grew up here? This is a mansion and look how wide those stairs are" he said before looking up at the large chandelier above us. Kaine lowered Knox to the ground and he took a small step forward before he looked around.

When he saw my fadda appear coming out of his office his gasped and ran to him. I watched my father squat down making it easier to pick him up and kiss his cheek.

"Papá" Knox whined pulling at his beard as he walked over to us. He kissed my sisters cheek before he hugged me and Knox stayed attached to him making Kaine roll his eyes on the low.

"Where's mama? Is she cooking something?" I asked rubbing my stomach. My father looked at the time on his watch before he shook his head no.

"She's out on the beach reading, won't be back for another thirty minutes. You can go get her and show the bwoy around, he looks like he's gonna pass out" he laughed. We all looked at Aaron who was admiring the paintings on the wall and trying to take everything in.

"Your house is beautiful sir, I want a house like this someday" Aaron said to my fadda and I tapped him. He followed me and we left my sister and Kaine to talk to my fadda. I kept looking back at Aaron because I knew if I didn't he'd end up getting lost or turning down the wrong hallway.

"Ainsley get down your hurting my neck bwoy" I groaned as I squatted down some allowing him to jump down. He walked beside me as we got to the back of my house and I opened up the second set of double doors leading to the outside area.

We left out of the gate and I spotted a jeep waiting for us. Aaron seemed hesitant as he stopped walking and looked at me.

"I'm a take you to the wildlife reserve my mama got me when I was a teenager. You didn't think I'd keep my lion here did you?" I questioned and he sighed in relief.

I had a lion that I'd raised since he was a cub his name was Junior and he had white fur. I hadn't seen him in awhile and I wanted to know why he was so sick like my fadda said over the phone.

One of the people who worked for my fadda started the car up as Ainsley and Aaron got in the backseat. I climbed in on the passenger side and rolled the window down wanting to see my surroundings as we drove passed.

When we got to the wildlife reserve I spotted a group of men standing towards the entrance and quickly got out of the car. When they saw me approaching the stepped to the side and I could hear my lion roaring out in pain.

"Open the gate!" I snapped pulling off my shirt and one of the men looked at me like I was crazy. When Junior saw me he ran across the large field resembling a mini Forrest and jumped up onto the fence and began to whimper.

I stuck my hand through the fence and rubbed his face before I notice he was limping and one of his hind legs was injured.

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