Chapter Forty Three : Blood Line Part One

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Ohaji Scott

"I-I didn't think you'd come here, so soon" Zaire stuttered as he scratched the back of his head. I remained silent and he continued to stand in front of me as if he'd done something bad and was hoping I'd laugh.

"Aren't you going to let me in? That's the polite thing to do when you have company" I said simply. Zaire hesitated before he let me into his home and then shut the door behind him. I heard the TV coming from the living room and glanced over my shoulder at him.

"Sincere apologized for what he did and he and Sharif are both working it out and trying to fix things. He came over here to see Marco so please don't gun this lil nigga down in my house" Zaire stressed as I smirked and walked down the long hallway. I could hear Zaire's footsteps trying to keep up with me.

When I came to the opening of the living room Marco slowly looked up at me before he held his arm up attempting to block Sincere and I rolled my eyes and took a seat. Sincere didn't notice me at first but when he did he looked at Zaire and Marco as if they were suppose to protect him.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've came in shooting. None of that is called for, I just wanna know where my grandson is. I wanna talk to him" I said growing serious. Sincere appeared nervous like he didn't want to tell me and I wondered if I gave him the impression that he had a choice, because he didn't.

"O before you do something without thinking it all the way through, let's just talk about it. We have time to talk" Zaire chimed in and Marco slowly nodded. I patted my pockets seeing for the first time in years I didn't have a blunt already prepared to smoke.

"I don't want to talk it out. I'd love a blunt though if you mind getting that for me" I said growing agitated. Sincere fidgeted but leaned forward and opened up a small Baggie containing weed and began preparing it for me.

"So nobody knows where Q is? I'll find him eventually but it'd be easier if you just said something" I said while patting at my pockets. Sincere and Zaire both flinched and I looked at them with a look of confusion.

"I was just getting my lighter. Like I said if I wanted you all dead I would've came in here shooting. I'm too old for all of that anyway, I'm just chilling" I said sitting the lighter on the table in front of me.

"I promised Cal I would keep it on the low. If I tell you then he'd know that I'm the one that told" Sincere said nervously as he pulled at his shirt to fan himself. Zaire face palmed himself and leaned forward as if he knew the words about to come out of my mouth.

"Who are you more afraid of? Calvin or me?" I questioned slowly as I looked him over and he cleared his throat and looked down as if he was all a sudden afraid to make eye contact with me.

"Answer wisely please. This is the same man who shot a pregnant woman in the stomach" Zaire said shutting his eyes. I watched Marco grab Sincere's shirt and he looked at him for a little while before he let go.

"I mean you of course, who's afraid of Cal? It's just-" Sincere began before he paused and handed me the blunt he'd rolled. "He's holding him on one of his properties. I don't know which one just one of the homes he owns here and he has Sharif bring him groceries so you should go and talk to him" Sincere continued as he shook his head.

"Where do I find him?" I questioned and Sincere's eyes slowly roamed to the staircase. I reached onto the table and lit the blunt after placing it between my lips before I looked to the top of the stairs.

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