Imperial Chp 2 [||Exo||]

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[||Hello! I've been kinda inactive lately. This is the second chapter of my scary Exo fanfiction... Please vote and comment! I have no idea how long this is gonna go on but, *shrug* I'll just keep writing until I find an end for it I suppose. Please enjoy! ^-  ^ Also, there is blood in this one, and it might be a little disturbing. I'm not sure. - . +||]

As soon as your head breaks the surface you are surrounded by the screams of the black cables, the sound of a growling dragon, the sound of steal on steel, and the shrieking of a thousand souls. You gasp in breath like it's the only thing you have, rasping and throwing up chlorine filled water. The rough hands let go of you and drop you none to carefully on the concrete floor. Yelling something. You feel heat against your skin, and the roaring of fire in your ears. You lay there gasping and open your eyes slightly, Chanyeol standing in front of you. Fire blazing from his hands and lashes in whips at the great black mass of cables, forming a massive dragon. Cables twisting up its belly and a long snapping tail lashing out. A long black Chinese dragon with a sparking tongue and no eyes. Forever screaming. Forever living. It smashes its own head against the wall like it wanted to destroy itself. Its body writhing and twisting in loops, it's mouth open and screaming. You feel your strength returning with every breath you take. You try to push yourself up on your elbow but fall back down and bruising your cheek on the rough concrete.

Moving your head to your other side with slow pain you sob and take in Suho as he lies on his back beside you, his eyes open. The blue in his eyes just as clear as before, crystal and ice. Lay is beside him. The healers face is pale. Your hair matted to your face you turn back toward the dragon and try to move away from the thrashing creature. It rears its head back and lashes at Chanyeol with its hissing tail. Crawling on your elbows you strike your wrist on the ground and cutting pain follows. Holding up your wrist you hiss with pain. Blood runs freely from the gash and shards of glass shimmer in your wrist. Glancing upward, the hotel window shattered, glass everywhere.

Chanyeol screams in pain and you turn to see him on the floor, the dragon cocks its head to one side and lowers itself to Chanyeol. As if it had piercing eyes, but instead its whole head twists apart into hundreds of hissing black coils, all hovering over Chanyeol and sparking with deadly energy. He scrambles backward, fear dancing in his eyes. A black burn stretches across his arm where the tail lashed him with nauseating accuracy. He collapses on his back, and flattens himself against the cold concrete floor in hopes of delaying the pain to come. Jerking aside as each of the black snakes strike the ground. The dragon becoming impatient now and forms its head again, smashing it against the ground where Chanyeol had been seconds ago, screaming. In rage, and in lost confusion. Fire doesn't seem to help anything and Chanyeol conserves his strength seeing nothing change.

The great black dragon shudders. Going completely still. Vines burst from the beast's chest and wrap around its legs and body. The dragon thrashes and screams. D.O stands in the broken window, twisting the vines around and around the enormous black creature. He yells at Chanyeol to get going. D.O runs over to you and pulls you up, not noticing the large gash on your wrist. You gasp in pain but you are able to finally stand, shaking, on your own two legs. You are torn between running away and staying with them. But it seems you get to do both.

Suho gasps in breath, clenching his fists on the rough concrete floor. Lay nearly collapses and D.O grabs him before the healer fall over unconscious.

Shaking him roughly by the shoulders D.O whispers in his ear something you can't hear. The healer's eyes glazed over from exhaustion, he doesn't respond much except for the slight nod of his head.

You hear a sound almost like a cracking whip. The imperial dragon lashes out at you with its long and lethal tail. You fold your arm over your head and sob, waiting for the sting.

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