Chapter One-'I Feel Like A Freaking Celebrity'

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Chapter One-'I Feel Like A Freaking Celebrity'


Moe screamed energetically along with the familiar album playing from the CD player in her car, enjoying the fact that her absolute favorite song from the album currently installed was playing. So excited, in fact, that she was paying little attention to the road and more attention to her talent show-worthy performance.

It was only an annoyed driver's furious honking that reminded her of exactly what she was doing at the moment, and even then she didn't hesitate to roll down her window and flash the driver the bird before actually putting both hands back on the wheel and paying attention. Continuing to sing the catchy tunes of MKTO, of course. Because what would she be if she didn't sing every moment of her life?

Exactly, an all-american girl with a 4.0 GPA, passion for Lacrosse, top-notch grades and a well-paying job to boot. That is, to say, she'd have no life outside of school and school-related activities.

Instead, her GPA is to low to be mentioned without a prayer for a miracle to magically occur before the end of Senior year, she'd rather spend her afternoon playing a video game console rather then go outside, her class grades are unmentionable, she has a crappy job, and enough piercings to...Feed an army? That analogy was perhaps the wrong one for this example, but we'll let it go.

It was the brightly colored girl's first day of Junior year at a new high school, but unlike many new students around her age going through the same process, she wasn't scared at all. It had never been in Moe's nature to get terrified, not even nervous, so why start now?

She wasn't necessarily excited, either, though that has to do with the fact that she was not impressed that the date for the first date of school had been pushed forward for this particular high school. She was used to not starting school until around September 5th, perhaps a day or two before, maybe a day or two after, but here it was, August 25th, and she was headed to school.

Screw the fact that she'd end up getting out of school earlier then she used to, May instead of June, she wanted her summer vacation back! Not that she'd had much of one-The entire three months were spent packing, moving, placing, unpacking, and helping clean up in general the house she now called home. Fun for a teenager who'd rather laze around doing nothing then actually doing something? Yeah, no.

She let out a loud, completely unnecessary sigh, running a hand through her hair before quickly clamping the hand back on the wheel. Despite the fact that she often payed little attention to her own driving as well as the road and it's condition, when it came down to it, she loved her truck, and would quite literally put her life on the line to protect it if necessary. Thankfully, that sort of thing has never been necessary.

Two minutes later, just as another one of her favorite songs by the band finished, she pulled into the extensive parking lot of her newest place of personal torture, almost immediately finding a parking spot. She didn't care if it had been 'claimed' by someone or not-You know, for example, when the jocks always use that one space and therefore think it's theirs-And went ahead and parked, yanking the keys from the ignition and tucking them in her bag.

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