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After what he said, I didn’t talk to him anymore.

What does he mean by that?

If he ruin Calum and I’s date, I will ruin his chance of having a baby. (You know what I mean, I’m gonna kick his Little Lukey.)

I already decided to wear a black dress since black is my favorite color and the color really suits my body.

I was going to strip now to wear the dress when I remembered that Luke is still here on my room.

That sneaky bastard!

He is laying on my bed while staring at me.

I glared at him but he just threw a smirk on my way.

“What are you still doing here asshole?!” I said at him while rolling my eyes.

He didn’t replied to me. He just continued staring at me.

More like, undressing me on his mind while still smirking at me.

“Can you please answer me?!” I shouted angrily.

“Of course I’ll be your boyfriend.” He said out of the blue.

“You’re so annoying. Can you just please get out of my room so I can get dressed?” He winked at me and stood up from the bed.

“See you at our date babe.” He said and chuckled afterwards.

I groaned to myself. This guy is annoying.

And that moment when I thought that he is already outside…

“By the way, I thought we already gone through this over the years? Don’t forget to always call me Daddy because you don’t know what mess you’re getting into.” He said in a deep voice.

I just stayed silent and shoo him away.

Suddenly, after I finish my make-up, someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door swiftly getting face to face with Calum.

“Hi.” He greeted.

“Hey.” I replied.

“You look beautiful Isha.” He said while smiling.

My cheeks heat up when he said those words.

“Uhmm… You look beautiful too.” My eyes widened from what I said.

I feel like I’m making fun of myself in front of Calum.

“Sorry. What I mean is you look handsome.” I said and smiled shyly.

“No, it’s okay.” He replied and smiled at me.

He offered his hands to me that I gladly accepted.

On the car ride, Calum and I jammed to Greenday songs.

And to make it all better, his right hand is intertwined on my left hand while he is driving using his left hand.

When we are already on the pizza place, we ate pizza while chatting and getting to know each other.

From this very moment that I’m with Calum, I forgot about Luke.

I’m so happy that just for a short period of time, I forgot all the things about him and what he did to me.

Leading me on for the second time is such a cool thing for him but such a painful thing for me.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked me making me return my attention to him once again.

Calum and I are chatting happily when suddenly my eyes caught something, actually, someone.

My blood is boiling and there is an anger building inside me when I saw the monster grinning at me like an idiot while making his way to our table.

Hey guys!

Does some of you likes The Sims 3 and 4?

Have a good day/night!

Daddy//Luke Hemmings #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now