Ravio X Reader Broken Bed

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  Your eye twitched as you looked at your boyfriend, of six years to be exact, who had set up a shop in the middle of your home. Now if he had perhaps told you of him setting up a shop you may have not been as mad, but right now you were livid. You just came home from an annoying day at work, where customers harassed you all day, You had been rained on, and you were exhausted.

    Normally you would of just went to bed and that would be that, but sadly you were unable to do so. Why you ask? Because your boyfriend had shoved your bed in the corned, possibly breaking it in the process. Not only that but you saw your laptop under a rather large bag of rupees with a large crack on the screen that definitely wasn't there before.

   Ravio looked over at you, his hood covering his Link like features. "Why are you so mad?" He asked looking a bit afraid. 'Damn right he should be afraid.' You though angrily again. Brushing back a stray hair that stuck to your wet face you made a noise that couldn't possibly be human. "What the hell did you do to my bed you little shit?" You said trying not to rip his head off.

   Ravio took a step back and his bird flew to a where you couldn't possibly reach it. You used tot ake out your anger on the poor bird when Ravio made you pay for the items needed in your adventures with Link. Now that you think about it he STILL makes you pay money for really anything. Maybe you shouldn't have thought about that because it fueled your anger.

   Ravio looked around for a place to hide. "W-well I thought it would be a good idea to set up shop again." He said looking down at his hands. "Why would you think that?!" You seethed glaring at the black haired male. You notice him pull back his hood then giving you a weak smile. "Well that's sort of a secret." Ravio said shrugging off your anger.

      You rolled your eyes as you exited the house in the rain. He tried to run after you, but you didn't allow him any time, You were in your car before he could even get outside. Ravio watched you drive away sadly.  "I'm sorry I did something wrong." He whispered to himself. "Again." He finished the sentence then proceeded to go inside.

      You angrily sighed as you watched the road. "Dammit who the hell does he think he is?!'  You thought angrily. You arrived at a motel near your home and as you made your way up to your room, which was on the last floor and on top of that the elevator didn't work, you began to feel a bit guilty about what you did.

     "Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow." You yawned. You then went to sleep on the bare mattress thinking of how you would apologize. Your sleep was dreamless, and it wasn't that good of one either. You woke up still tired, but it was the bearable tired. You fixed yourself some Maruchan Ramen and watched the birds. "Birds" you mumbled looking a bit down.

      It was around Three PM When the doorbell rang. You opened the door rather quickly ready to tell off any bitch that fucked with you. Your (E/C) Eyes widened as you gazed upon your nicely dressed lover. He was wearing dress pants and a white button up shirt, odd, he did however have a hairpin shaped like a rabbit. You smiled at his goofy expression "Hello Ravio." You breathed still taken aback

     Ravio smiled and shuffled nervously. "P-Please close your eyes." He requested giving you the usual puppy dog eyes. You looked at him confused and a bit irritated already, but you did as he asked. You heard a thump and then what seemed like a box being opened. 'Is he-' Your thoughts were interrupted by his words.

     "Will you marry me?"

      Your eyes snapped open as you looked down at your lover, who looked up at you with a goofy, but loving smile. You slowly began to smile as you nodded. "Of course, dummy." You said having to call him something, you were never good with romantic situations. He smiled and slipped the beautiful ring onto your finger. You studied the ring noticing the perculiar gemstones. 'Red, Blue, and green? Odd." You thought shaking your head before giving Ravio a kiss.

       "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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