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Hermione's POV

We approached the door and quite frankly I was scared. This isn't normal. We shouldn't be able to hear each other's thoughts in our own heads. And I have to admit, it is very...intimidating yet interesting? Is that possible? I'm not sure but I don't have time to think about it before Draco opened the door, revealing the office that hasn't really changed since Dumbledore's death, the only change being an old female sitting behind the desk instead of a wise old man with half-moon spectacles.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Hermione. How may I be of assistance?" Headmistress McGonagall asked.

'Want me to ask her or do you?' Draco asked in our 'link' you could call it.

'I'll do it'  I replied.

"Headmistress, we have a slight...issue." I said in a very wary voice.

"Is that so?" She said.

"Yes. Very much so." Draco replied for me, taking the words right out my mouth.

"Do tell then." McGonagall said.

'Do I start from the hospital wing or the cut or dream?' I asked Draco in our link.

'The cut, start from the beginning, it would make more sense. Maybe she knows something.' He replied.

"I believe you know about my true heritage, headmistress?"

"Yes. Yes, I do dear." She replied kinder than I'd ever heard her speak.

"Good so because I was so tired I asked him for permission to skip Potions. He agreed. So I went to an abandoned charms classroom and decided to sleep there. Draco entered and soon I fell asleep. When I woke up I remembered Harry slipped me a note that I couldn't open so I went to the desk, grabbed a very small dagger to try to open it. A crash that Draco made startled me, so I flew around but the knife shot out my hand and cut Draco. I rushed over to him and the way he was holding the knife and the way I was standing collided and I got cut too. Then a few seconds later this bright white light flashed from the knife and both of our blood connected. Then I wrapped the knife up in a cloth and went to class. Snape was worried about me, as always. He sent me to the hospital wing. Then Madame Pomfrey told us she couldn't heal either of our wounds like it was being held open by something. She gave us a potion then we both fell asleep. But this is the odd part, professor. We both dreamt that night, about the same dream. Then we both started hearing voices, I heard a verse from Romeo and Juliet and Draco heard me ranting about my dad. That happened in Transfiguration. We have no idea why this is happening, I have a good feeling it's related to the dream. Has this ever happened before?" I finished telling the headmistress, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"I'd advise you both to sit down and I will excuse you both from classes for the rest of the day." We both nodded simultaneously and took a seat in front of the desk. "Okay children, I am going to tell you about a legend from two of the founders of Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw. These two were always fighting when they were younger. Salazar always tried to get Rowena into the dark arts, but Rowena was too clever for him and didn't fall for his schemes. As they got older that hatred slowly blossomed intonlove. They were head over heels for one another. So they worked together on a project. A single treasured item from both families combined to make a bond for life. Salazar took his fathers dagger and Rowena took her mothers prized Sapphire necklace and together they combined it into a dagger with a sapphire handle. It is told that whatever two people gets cut by the dagger will live out their days in bliss with one another, just like Slytherin and Ravenclaw." By the time she had stopped to see if we had understood but neither of us did so she continued. "It is also said that when cut you and your companion get cut a bond is made therefor connecting the two souls, mind and heart. Hence why you can read each other's minds, it's because they think as one. They also say that if they are away from one another it would cause the bodies serious pain and heartache. But I don't think that this is possible, in both your cases, because it can only happen if you both are in the creators bloodline. I know there's a possibility that Mr. Malfoy may be in Slytherin's bloodline since he is in Slytherin House but, my dear Hermione, you are in Gryffindor. And your father was a Slytherin, so say Mr. Malfoy is descended from Salazar Slytherin, that means you would have to be descended from Rowena Ravenclaw. Do you have any family that might've been related to Ravenclaw in any way?"

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