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"OI SIS" Emmett my brother yelled at me.

well. my twin. brother. hah. great.

his actually older. by five minutes. so he has the ability to tease me whatsoever.

it's about 6:00am in the morning and we have to get ready for school. oh how excited I really am. note the sarcasm please.

"Lauren. your ex bff is here. because mum invited him over for god damn breakfast. I hate him so much for doing such thing to you. you know?. like how could he." emmett ranted.

"you can stop now. i don't want him to be the first thing I hear about in the morning." I mumbled.

"sorry sis.-" Emmett was stopped.

"oh. I see that that you ripped all of our pictures together off your wall and only kept the ones of you and your brother and Riley ?" Chris asked staring at the blank wall that I created last night.

"piss off mate. leave her alone." emmett said

"well I can't piss off and leave since it will be ungrateful for your mother who invited me over." Chris smirked.

he used to be called Christopher through out primary to year 9. well. when he was still that nerdy fun and nice Christopher I knew. now. he shortened his name to Chris. because it was "cooler".

"so much for a start of a week." I mumbled.

"you guys can stay inside all you want. well. as long as you guys want a detention for coming late." I smirked at them.

emmett. emmett is a good brother. his caring and the peace maker. always the one that has good grades. I did too. Christopher or should I now call Chris. he acts as if we are still best friends in front of our parents. he still focuses on his grades but not as much and still doesn't want any detention. so it's kind of a blackmail thing.

"can I at least see our pictures back then?" Chris asks.

"don't you have a wonderful life to continue?" I ask him.

"it's actually not that great and wonderful you know. not without you." he stated.

"quit the act will you?. you saw my mother and you just needed an act for it. I don't need you in my life. not anymore. you left me. you left me for the damn popular people. look at the photos all you like. before I rip them al up. " I say tearing up. I missed us.

"where are they?"

"why do you want to even look at them when our damn friendship is over"

"because I want to see how happy I really was when you were around. because now I can clearly see that I'm more happy than how I was in the past." he said.

how could he. how could he not cherish the moment we had.

"what's wrong. you guys never had fights like these." my mum popped out of the door frame.

"it's all an act for a play. don't worry Mrs B." Chris acted.

"it doesn't really look like it. you just rambled on about how better your life is without lau..." my mum stated. she had grief and disrespect in her eyes. they way her emotions changed in a flash.
she turned around to me. she studied my eyes and saw how sad and angry I was.

I wish, upon a star. Chris Lanzon FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now