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A/N hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that this will be a short chapter. Don't be mad please.

Krissi Pov

Sara looked at us with disbelief clearly in her eyes. "Why would he rape Krissi? He has a baby on the way with me." I felt a twinge of sadness when she said baby. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" I snarled. She shrank back from me. Then I saw anger in her eyes.

"This is all your fault!" "My fault? He's the one that raped me!" "If you would've never come back things would be great! But no, you just had to ruin everybody's life. AGAIN!" That's when my wolf lost it. My claws extended, and I slashed her across the face, and my wolf had control, so she slashed her across the belly. Twice. Blood was pouring out of her by that point. I was breathing very heavily. Then I realized what I had done. Everybody looked at me, in utter disbelief. Sara stared at her stomach, before collapsing. Then she whispered, "I love you, David," before she died, and so did the unborn child inside her. Then David started screaming hysterically.

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