Chapter 1

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'Niall we have discussed this' exclaimed Jedd my Royal advisor, ' from the publics perspective it does not look good that you are yet to find anyone suitable to marry'.

I give up. I've tried dating, everyone in my family knows . Yes , I've met a couple of girls that I thought were the one , but when they learnt more about me they had no interest.

It's always the same thing that scares them away.

I'm a vampire. 

Being a vampire and trying to date is hard. It's hard because every vampire has a soulmate, some are able to find theirs easily , others like me aren't . I've looked for her everywhere, on all my Royal tours of duty and all of my travels. But I still cannot find her- although I can still date other girls, I just don't feel complete without her. 

'Jedd' I groaned crossing my arms ' you know it is not that easy . Of course j can get a wife if I wish, but I can't just have any girl . She needs to be my soulmate '. I was getting more and more fustrated , and Jedd could easily tell. I threw my head down onto my large mahogany desk and sighed.

They say that when you meet your mate everything clicks into place. You fall in love and start a family., both of which excited me immensely . Apparently their blood tastes of the sweetest vanilla  and their scent is the most intoxicating thing that you will ever behold

I feel alone. My older brother Zac has already found his mate , he found her when he was just 14, now he's 21. He's had seven years with his mate already , yet u have had none with mine. Somethings the world can be a cruel punishing place. I feel like the world's against me . 

The worst thing is when you see all of the couples . They walk hand in hand with those carefree smiles on their faces. They laugh and joke around with one another.

Everyone's in love. 

Well everyone , except me 

Your Highness (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now