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Okay, Here's the next story, Now this is one story that I absolutely loved writing and i felt  really good after this was completed. In all, This one is pretty close to my heart. I hope that you all will like it. Btw, the Title was as you have already guessed it, inspired from Sherlock Holmes.


" Beautiful are those who rise after they fall, Amazing are those who know when they have to put a foot to all the cruel remarks tat society throws at them, but STRONG are those who return with a BANG!!!

                                                                                          '                                              ---PRIMROSE"

One of the most celebrated Authors of the modern era, Primrose's New Book is on the way. Keep your fingers crossed and you might be lucky enough to get a signed copy.. Now , now , now, Don't we all want to know, who our beloved Writer is, don't we all want to know 'The Woman' as chirstened by the Critics is? Yes , we do. Miss Primrose, we are dying to know You. Do unravel your mystery soon and soothe our hungry hearts.

                                                                                                                                            - Anya Das, Reporter,

                                                                                                                                               The Gazette.


The Woman read through the writeup and drank in each and every word.She was known to the World as Primrose or rather 'The Woman'. She used to go through every writeup about her, watch every show that said a few words about her, No, she wasnt overtly obsessed with herself. She had an ulterior motive.

A smirk played at her lips, as the same society that had once shunned her sang her praises.  This was that woman who had once had a beautiful family, a loving fiance and a wonderful job. Just one fateful night, oh, that horrid fateful night, changed it all. She was raped. YES, SHE WAS RAPED. Those Bastards had touched her in the most horrid, morbid way possible, scarred her, asaulted her.  Just that one fatefulnight and everything had turned to dust. ' Oh can this gruesome reality not be undone or repaired?" she often questioned herself.

For days she hated herself, scrubbed her skin till blood oozed from the scratches, ocked herself , refusing to eat or go out, and where was her family? where was her fiance?

They had broken all ties with her. On top of that , she lost her job, the company refused to have an employee who was  impure. The society labelled her as -" UNCOUTH", "IMPURE", "RAPED".

No amount of Candle Marches could bring her to justice, that was when she realised -" When it isn't my fault, I refuse to bear the brunt of it.". That was her turning point. That was her rising point. She started writing. Poured her heart and soul into  them. Her stories were emotional, motivational and had inspired millions. Everyone can have their fairytale end, she believed. And this belief of hers was inculcated in each and every story of hers.Her novels began in the same old way with-"Once upon a time.." and ended with-" and they lived happily ever after."

The society that had once shunned her, now bowed down. She was worshipped. And that was all cause she believed in herself. She was strong.

"The woman" is Me. The woman who believed that things would turn out just fine and I just needed to hold on. Today, as i feel the warm hand slipping into mine, in contrast to the cold wind, I realize that I made a right choice. Yes, I am proud of myself. I am proud because I stood up. Alone. But with my head held high. I have found love again. Love that bears storms. Love that is my Strength. Today, I've decided that the world needs to know who Primrose is. Today they shall know the story behind The Woman. Today, the society shall know better than to shun a woman without any fault of hers.

Finally, TODAY, She was Free.


How was it? Comments are always welcome. Let me know what ya think.

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