The massacre

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Third person POV

The little boy stared at his once proud compound. The ground was tinted with red and corpses were strung up and littered across the vast village. The clouds hung low, blurring the vision of the boy as he tried looking past it, desperately trying to find a sign of life. He called out to his mom and dad hoping that they would appear and wake him up from this nightmare he was living. But his actions seemed futile and all he was met with was dead silence. He tried searching through the bodies that seemed to be endlessly stacked on top of one another. Surely his parents couldn't be one of them. After all they had promised to watch the young boy perform the jutsu he had worked so hard on to create. He suddenly felt a frail hand grab onto his tiny ankle. A spark fluttered through him, igniting the hope in him which had almost disappeared. It quickly dispersed when he looked down and saw a barely recognisable face. The old lady who use to sell dangos right across the street was laying down with a very visible slash across her neck. A trail of blood was dribbling out of her mouth. Her once beautiful dress was decorated with red patches and rips.

"Saito my boy. Is that you?" The old lady asked with an almost inaudible voice. He nodded his head, unsure how to act in this situation. "This may be hard for you but I need your help. I'm in so much pain. Take this kunai." Her hands were shaking as she placed a kunai into his outstretched hands. "I need you to finish the job." The boy was confused. Finish what job?

"I don't understand what you mean baa chan." He said while crouching down. He inspected her injuries. His hands shook as he saw that the wound in her neck was much deeper then he expected.

"I need you to put an end to everyone here as well as myself. That may include your parents and your friends. But I need you to understand okay? Everyone here is beyond saving. You have to be strong Saito. People are in pain and death is an inevitable thing for all of us. It's just a matter of time." The old lady said while tears streamed down her face. He remembered the smile she use to give to anyone she saw. Her glowing presence that could brighten up anyone's day. The extra dangos she would give him even when he only ordered three. The time when he ran to her shop after arguing with his parents. When she took him in with open arms and rocked him to sleep while whispering comforting words to him. He positioned the kunai to where he thought her heart was. After all the boy had no experience in killing at all. She graced him with one last smile before he dug the kunai deep into her skin.


She said. He lifted the kunai and plunged it deep into her again. Her blood spraying across his cheeks. He wailed and screamed as he continued to stab the woman long after she had stopped talking. When his tears had dried up he stopped. He lifted his numb body and moved onto his next victim. Out of the hundreds of people he killed, he had also ended up killing his parents and his friends.

"I don't want to die."

Was the last thing his best friend said to him before the kunai had reached it's mark. He had stopped feeling the pain a long time ago but he still felt some sort of hot liquid trail down his cheeks. He touched it and looked at the substance on his finger. Red. Blood. He had felt a change in his eyes as soon as his first victim took their last breathe. When he killed his best friend another change had occurred. Instead of his eyes changing into the first step of the sharingan it had skipped that faze and went straight to the mangekyo sharingan.

From a distance a person was watching. It was definitely a sight to behold. A lone child finishing off the people Itachi was unable to kill. The man smirked when he saw the childs eyes. It held so much potential. Even he himself hadn't obtained the mangekyo sharingan at such a young age. He decided to take the child and use him as the vessel of the Jyuubi in his later plans. After all, this child was eventually going to overpower him. The great Madara Uchiha.

Saito POV

Twelve hours thirty two minutes since I last hugged my mom. Twelve hours twenty minutes since I laughed with my dad. Ten hours forty minutes since I ran with my friends. Nine hours since I last smiled.

I sat in my empty room staring at the white wall. Photos that had covered my room were now ripped shred scattered across the floor. I was holding onto one photo that I wasn't able to touch. It was taken on my fifth birthday. The day before my first day at the academy. We were huddled around the table singing happy birthday. I gripped the photo in my hand tighter as the memories started rushing back. The brighter days of my life. I placed the photo on my bed and walked to the bathroom.

I stared at my reflection which I had now grown to hate. Red and blue swirls stared back at me. My eyes were a complete mixture of my mum and dad. Looking at myself was a constant reminder of what I lost. My hair had gone from a light brown to a shocking white colour in just a matter of a few hours for some unknown reason. I stepped into the shower and washed off all the dirt and blood that was stained onto my body. Even after washing myself I still felt unclean. The blood of my family and friends would forever be stuck onto me I guess. This was the curse of killing your comrades.

I was walking down the village and was stopped multiple times. They all had gave their condolences and shared sympathetic glances. All I offered was my glares and shrugs of my shoulder. They were shocked at how cold I was and how different I looked. The cute happy Saito had died along with his family. I met with Sasuke along the way. We walked together through the mass of people who parted ways for us. I looked at him to see a cold emotionless mask plastered across his face. We entered the academy and Sasuke was soon crowded by his many fangirls. I sat down at my usual seat next to Naruto. Instead of gracing him with a smile like normal I completely ignored his presence, staring at the clock, counting down the minutes to when this pointless class would end. 

"Saito." Naruto called. The class had become silent. "Saitoo! Ah! What happened to your hair?" Naruto whined and asked while my glare intensified. I clenched my hand trying not to snap. He began tapping my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I spat venomously. It was Naruto's own fault. He wanted to become the leader of the village that had killed my clan. Yes. I heard what happened from a man who had came after I killed everyone. Naruto looked taken back. He flinched and snatched his hand away from my shoulder. Before Naruto could say anything else Iruka had entered the class.

"Saito. The hokage wants to see you in his office." Iruka had said while giving me a look of pity. The news of the assassination of my clan had spread already. I walked slowly to the Hokage's office not looking forward to what he was going to say. I knocked on the door and heard a quick 'come in'. I entered and closed the door behind me, all the while keeping my eyes glued onto the ground.

"Saito. Raise your head." The raspy voice of the Hokage told me. I looked at the Hokage who had a grim look on his face.

"Show me the Kunai." He knew. I looked at the Hokage in disbelief. How did he find out? I desperately tried covering my hateful gaze which was directed to the Hokage. The man who gave the orders to Itachi. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the kunai I used to kill the villagers. I handed it to the Hokage who began inspecting it.

"I'm sorry." The Hokage had said after a while. "You didn't deserve this. You're too young to experience this much pain. Losing the ones you love by your hands. Forced to be the one to steal their last breathe. You mustn't tell anyone about this alright? Some people out there may blame you because they don't understand what really happened. Anyway are you alright?" He didn't understand anything. This man was not sorry. I remembered what that man had said to me. 'Don't listen to them. If they hadn't of given those orders your clan wouldn't be six feet under.'

"I'm fine." I said emotionlessly. I had to get out of here. Away from these lying people.


Word count: 1602

Hey guys!

I hope you liked that~ <3

My character is semi inspired by Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul as you can probably tell from the pic and the hair turning white part. I seriously love that anime.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

Love you all


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