Chapter 1

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          It's been raining for six days straight now. The creek close to my house has now turned into a small river and steadily coming closer to my home. This is too much rain to be the middle of April. Lincoln county Nevada hardly ever sees this much rain in a year, much less in a week. In two days alone we've already gotten four inches. I quit turning on the weather because it's always the same, more and more rain. But the weather isn't just crazy here, it's been really weird all over the United States. Up north they are still getting a lot of snow, the midwest has been having problems with rain, hail and some tornadoes. The south is getting a lot of rain like we are and the strong winds. Florida and the Gulf have already seen two hurricanes in the past month alone.

          The news blames global warming for the crazy weather this time of year but yet no one even attempts to cut down their garbage and start recycling, carpool or anything that could help the enviroment because we are all stuck in our stubborn ways. A couple of months ago my friend, Krystal, started buying solar panels and had them installed on her roof. She is trying to be more eco - friendly and it also saved her a lot on her electric bill. She started the recycling on our street, granted there are only four of us in our little community, but it's a start. Krystal and her husband, Jim Payne, are my closest neighbors that are about an eighth of a mile away. They have two children. Jason who is six and Sara who just had her first birthday last week. We had a big princess birthday for her with all of our neighbors. Everyone had so much fun! Over the past couple of years Krystal and I have become really close friends. I love it when I hear Jason call me Aunt Sarah. At first I thought I was too young to be someone's aunt at twenty-three, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way. When Krystal found out she was pregnant I was so honored when she asked to name her baby girl after me. Even though I I can't have any children at this time in my life, I hope when I do they are as sweet as Jim and Krystal's kids.

          Almost half a mile from my house is a small cottage that belongs to Bill and Susan Smith. They are two of the sweetest people I have ever met. They treated my mom, Rachel, and I as if we were a part of their family from the day we met them six years ago. When we were still unpacking boxes and getting settled into our new home, Mrs. Susan would drive down just to invite us over for dinner. Her cooking is always delicious! I remember the first time I walked into their home it had such a cozy feeling. Pictures hung on almost every wall of their children and grandchildren who have now moved away. I enjoyed spending many evenings with them listening to the many stories of their two sons as they were grew up. We had so many laughs during dinner and when I would stay to help Susan clean up the kitchen. Most of the time would come with me to visit but some nights she would stay home and tell me she needed her alone time. My dad left us when I was eleven and even though it's been nearly ten years she still has a hard time, especially at night. On the night y mom would stay home Susan would tell me about the day her and Bill had met nearly fifty - four years ago this August. The both of them have aged so gracefully. After spending a few weeks with them I could see some of the toles life has taken on them and so I would come over to help out as much as they would llow me too.

          After I said goodbye to Bill and Susan I would go home still smiling and reflecting on the story from that evening. It was so amazing to watch the two of them still so in love after fifty-four years. They carried the same love as if each day was the beginning. The two of them always reminded me of a romance novel in the way they cared for one another. I can't help but wish I too might one day come to know and feel that type of love. Tonight when I got home I found my mom in the kitchen leaning against the bar sipping on a glass of red wine. It was only nine-thirty and she was already in her pajamas with her dark brown hair pulled up into a bun.

          "Hey mama. You missed out on Mrs. Susan's awesome lasagna tonight. They both said hey and they missed you tonight. Susan wants you to call her one day this week so yall can set up a night for dinner." I stopped when she glanced over at me and then looked down at her phone. "How was your night?"

          "It was fine. I just saked in the bath for a while and then came down here for a drink before bed." She stared at her phone while she talked to me.

          "Who are you waiting for?" I asked half annoyed.

          "What?" She finally looked at me, "oh no one honey. I'm just not feeling like myself tonight is all. I think I'm going to head off to bed." She walked over to the sink and rinsed out her glass before giving me a kiss on the forehead and disappearing off upstairs.

          I went to the livingroom to watch some tv before I went to bed. When I started getting interested in one of the doctor shows my phone began ringing. "Hello?"

            "Hey Sara, how did everything go at the doctors office yesterday?" Krystal was the only one who knew I went to the doctor yesterday. With my mom not feeling so great I didn't want her to be worrying about me on top of what she was going through.

          "The doctor gave me a mamogram and then she told me that we would need to cut the knot out so it can be tested. But she told me not to worry too much until the results come back. Since breast cancer doesn't run in my family she's sure everything will come back just fine. I tell you what though, the mamogram hurt so bad. I think my boobs were as flat as pancakes for a few minutes." I started laughing and of course Krystal busted out laughing when I said that.

          "When do you go to get it cut out? Do you want me to go with you or are you going to ask your mom to go? " I could tell she wanted to go but at the same time she felt like I should have already told my mom.

          "No I'm not going to tell mama just yet. She seems a bit different the past two weeks. I don't know what's going on with her. Like tonight she kept checking her phone and went to bed about half an hour ago. Normally I can tell what's bothering her but tonight it seems like it's more than just my dad being gone. I wish she would tell me what's going on with her but until then I'm just going to deal with this myself. She doesn't need me on top of whatever she is dealing with. And besides if the tests come back fine then I would have just worried her for nothing, ya know."

           Krystal sat there for a minute, "So what day do I need to come get you to see the doctor?"

          "Well she wants do test it as soon as possible so I would like to go tomorrow if you have time. I can call her in the morning to let her know we are coming." Krystal was able to take me and so everything was set. I told her I would see her at ten in the morning and then I turned the tv off and went to bed.

          The next morning I got up to shower and started getting ready for my appointment. Once I was ready I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw a note from mom on the kitchen table. 'Honey I'm going to working late tonight so I left you twenty dollars to order pizza or go out to eat if you want. Maybe Krystal can come over and keep you company. I love you. Mom.'

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