Chapter 3

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Before I continue with this book please let me clarify and completely clear.... My book is completely fiction and is not, in no way, based on me, my family, or anyone I know personally. My thoughts are my own. My characters completely made up. This book is one I have felt very deeply about in my writing, one that if you bare with me can show just how strong a person can be and with God on their side can overcome anything.... So please let me say again; my book is fiction and not based on my personal life. Thank you for reading.


Rachel (Sara's mom) P.O.V.

"Do you think you could come over for a little while? Just for a couple of hours while Sara is at Bill and Susan's?" Rachel paced around the kitchen as quickly as her thoughts raced in her mind. "Okay I'll see you in thirty minutes. Thank you Wanda."

Rachel put the phone on the base and then went to pour herself a glass of wine. She opened the fridge looking for something simple to fix for Wanda and herself. When she didn't see anything she just had to have, she closed and went to the pantry for some pasta and creamy alfredo sauce. She pulled some of the grilled chicken leftover from yesterday and began preparing dinner. Wanda arrived twenty-five minutes later. She made her way into the kitchen and began helping Rachel.

"Okay so what's going on? It's been a few weeks since we've gotten together like this." Wanda watched Rachel over at the stove.

"What? Can I not have my best friend over for dinner?" Rachel smiled widely for she was on her third glass of wine by the time Wanda had arrived.

"Yes, of course you can." Wanda gave a heartfelt smile as she picked up the bowl of pasta and took it to the table. Soon Rachel met her with the bread and wine bottle in her hands. They sat down and began fixing their plates."So what's been going on between you and Sara?"

" Sara has been great. She's been helping out Susan a lot these past couple of weeks. With all this rain we've been having Bill found out they have a leak in their roof so Sara has been over there helping them. Susan cooked dinner the other night, but I didn't feel up for going." Rachel paused, "The doctors called last week with my test results. Wanda, I have stage four breast cancer." The tears began pouring from her eyes. This is the first time she has been able to say it out loud. So much emotion started flooding and Wanda quickly went by her side and wrapped her arms around her. She let Rachel cry everything out.

"Have you told Sara?" she whispered.

"No," she sniffled again, "I haven't been able to bring myself to even believe that this is really happening much less tell her. After her dad left us she's all I have and honestly I don't know how she is going to take the news. There is just so much I don't know Wanda." She put her head in her hands just as the tears began falling like rain once again.

Wanda stayed with her until she was all cried out. She helped Rachel clean up the kitchen and offered to stay the night just to keep her company and keep her mind off things. Rachel told her she would be fine with Sara coming home soon. When wanda left Rachel went upstairs and changed into her pajamas after pulling up her hair. She went back into the kitchen to fix another glass of wine and wait for Sara to arrive.

When Sara came into the kitchen she began telling her mom about her evening with the Smith's. Her phone vibrated in her hand and of course it was Wanda.

I really think you should sit down with Sara and tell her everything. She needs to hear this from you before you start your treatments.

Rachel glanced up at Sara hoping for some kind of sign that tonight is the night to open up and tell her all the doctors have said but she couldn't bring herself to tell her precious daughter just yet. She didn't want to burden her with such worry. She wanted to protect her for as long as she possibly could.... Saved from her thoughts by another txt from Wanda.

If you would rather I be there to help you tell her then I would be more than happy to Rachel. I know this is going to be hard for both of you and I will help you in any way that I can. Get you some rest. I will talk to you tomorrow.

When Sara asked her about her night she realized how rude she had been. But she feared if she said too much she would tell her about the cancer in the wrong way. She felt the need to try and tell her perfectly or at least in the best, most easiest way that she can. Rachel rinsed out her glass before kissing Sara goodnight and going straight upstairs.

She lay there in the middle of her comfy king size bed wide awake and unable to turn off her thoughts. Should I go back downstairs and tell Sara? What will she think when I tell her? I can't put this burden on my daughter... Will the chemo hurt? Am I going to lose my hair? Will I have to have a masectomy? What am I going to do? So many questions without answers... "God what do I do from here? Please show me what I'm suppose to do." At six am, Rachel finally drifted off to sleep.

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