Chapter 16 - Betrayal

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Within Florence's office isn't what it was before, and there's a big glass wall that I can't see through on one side, but I don't question it. The only difference is a little bit of tension that wasn't there before. He gives me a cup of milk and honey, it's warm and I see steam coming off it. That makes me smile. 

"So," he says, sitting down across from me. "Alex, would you rather me call you that?"

"Nah," I murmur, looking only at the yellow-tinted milk. . . with a speck of blue. I frown and try to fish it out of the cup, but Florence's grasp on my wrist stops me. 

"Just drink it," he says sternly, but then he smiles as if to rub it off. "Please, Aria. It's a vitamin that. . . helps you heal faster. It's great for you. Don't worry. You trust me, right?" And by the look on his face I can say right now that this is not him. 

And before I even know what I'm doing, I'm splashing the cup of milk over his face. He growls and makes a certain effort to not drink any as he wipes it away, cursing. When it's completely off his face, he scowls at me. His features begin shrinking about and then. . . suddenly, who used to be Florence is now Janice. She cackles. 

"Oh, Alexandria," she says, leaning back in the chair and grinning at me. "You're a hoot, darling. You really do know what's happening, don't you?"

Of course it was Janice. Of course. Of course she would impersonate the one person I find comfort in talking to. Which brings up the question. . . if she can impersonate the dead, does that mean Florence is dead? Does that mean she's been Florence ever since he died? 

What the hell is happening?

"Don't worry," she says suddenly as if reading my thoughts. "This was just a new thing for me. Florence is alive." She pauses and takes in my expression. "You look surprised. You know I can only impersonate the dead, don't you? Oh, dear. . . that means Florence is dead, doesn't it?" Janice laughs, covering her mouth. "Silly dear!" She stands up and strolls over to me, flicking her red curls over her shoulder. "Florence didn't tell you? He's a Moonhit. . . He can come back to life. Immortal. The only reason I can be him is because he's died so many times, dear, and so he's dead in my book."

Words and questions fly through my mind. But my little ember settles itself on my stomach, right at the bottom, and ignites my insides. I snap, "And what was this supposed to be, then? Some ugly prank?"

"Prank?" she asks, raising her eyebrows with a shock that's totally mocking. My little ember makes its way beneath my skin, going all about. She laughs. "No. I was just trying to drug you."

Now who the hell tells someone they were going to drug them?

The answer hits me like a boulder: someone with a back-up plan. 

I study her, trying to figure out what could be behind the layers of make-up and idiocy. But I find nothing. She's giving nothing away. What is she planning on doing? The question gnaws so hard on my mind that I see red.


Flames engulf my vision.  My body, my hair, my feet and legs. I lunge at her - but she's already at the door and out. I hear it click behind her.

There's a voice up above. It reminds me of the ice room I was in. It's Florence's voice. I can't be sure, though - what if it's Janice again? I scowl as the voice says, "It's really me, kid," I can't trust him. Or her. Can I? Am I thinking too much? "Try to calm down, okay?"

The flames still crackle around me. I haven't burned the chair, thankfully, but the table is sizzling. I stumble away from the chair and clench my fists, looking around. Everything in this room has changed. Now there's just a metal table and two metal chairs. Plastic or something cuts the table in half. 

After a few deep breaths, the flame vanishes. I groan. Exhaustion floods me. No way are they gassing me. Are they? I look around. The air isn't tinted any odd color. Maybe I'm okay.

"Good," says Florence from the speaker. "Now. . . I'm gonna walk in there, okay? You and I are gonna have a real nice, slow chat. Is that okay, kid?"

Hearing him call me kid makes me happy and reassured for some reason. So I sit down at the chair on my side and wait. The door opens and Florence enters hesitantly. His eyes scan me, like the guard, Bruce's, did, and he smiles at me. He sits down on his side. "Hey, kid. . . It wasn't my idea, let me say that first. And second, honestly, it's thrilling to see you in action,"

And because this is Florence, I don't get mad. I just sit back and ask, "Why did they do it? Am I a test subject to you guys?"

"A test subject? Alex, no. We just needed to test your capabilities. Sweetheart. . . You're so special." He sighs and looks to the side. "It's astounding, how much potential we see in you. We just needed to confirm it all with this last test. And you passed." He hesitates. "You're more than just my granddaughter. . . Alexandria, you hold the key to this worlds revolution. You can change the future."

Ha ha, Alex, no pressure. Just. . . ya know, changing the world and stuff. . . that's it. . . Florence also calls you. . . Alex now?

"What. . . What do you mean?" I ask, my voice catching on itself.

Florence rises to his feet. "Alex, you have a lot of questions and I am here to answer them, and we'll get to them, but promise me one thing."

I look up at him. My ears are ringing, but amidst it I hear Florence. "What is it. . .?" My vision is getting spots. Is this stress? Confusion? Maybe I'm dying. That would be funny.

"You won't get mad at me for doing this,"

And unconsciousness hits me like a boulder.

I wake up feeling weak and detached from myself. My mind keeps spinning. I can't see straight. Nothing here is right. Everything is spotty and it's dark. I frown and glance around, trying to find some light, but all there is is darkness.

"Hey!" and the word echoes all around me. "You woke up!"

"I'd better hope, else I'd be dead. . ." I manage, squinting into the darkness to find the source. A light turns on. Three people in front of me. Janice, Blaze, and someone else that's standing there. The person that spoke first was Blaze. I squint even more. What the hell is happening?

"She looks so tired! It's almost cute, if she didn't have the power to ruin us. . ." says another voice, the voice of the kid in the purple shirt and shorts. He looks bored and amused. 

Janice grins and crosses her arms. She bends down to look me in the eye. Only then do I realize I'm tied to a chair with thick ropes. "You," she says slowly, "will be our ticket out, Alex. And once we're out? We'll destroy every pathetic Moonhit in the world - ending, of course, with you."

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