This Is Halloween

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She banged on the door.

Dean answered.

"You did find favor with the Lord."


"What happened, Carson?"

"Did you know that Carson actually means Christian? It's really mysterious how God works, you know. Naming me and all."


"You know I've always had my doubts with God, especially after my dad, but this. . . God!"

"Carson tell me what happened."

"I was told to come back here. Go back to the Winchesters, whatever that means. But I'm doing it, do you know why?"

No chance for them to answer.

"Because an angel told me to." She answered. "An angel. Who just appeared in my car. Isn't that just wonderful? God sent an angel down to tell me to stick with you. Because it's all a part of the plan."

"Sit down, Carson." Dean said, placing Carson on the bed. She was clearly in shock about the whole situation.  "Did he say his name?"

"Castiel." She said.

"Damnit, Cas."

"What does this mean then, Dean? He said he pulled you from hell. Why would he pull you from hell. Shit, Winchesters. This isn't what I signed up for."

"He told you that."

"Apparently he thought I needed to know." She said bitterly. "And then he got me going on this rampage about a God of Justice and I was being judged the entire time because did I mention HE WAS AN ANGEL. So, Winchesters, do you have anything to tell me before I embark on this God-Given journey with you?"


"So Sam was supposed to lead an army of Demons."


"But then someone else who wanted that job killed him."


"So you sold your soul. . ."

"Uh huh."

"For a year. And in that year someone who wasn't happy with Sam's leadership stepped up. . ."


"And then another Demon who's trying to help you guys has been making Sam use his Demon Powers."

"Not quite-"


"Which are bad."



"So then Dean goes to hell and Sam does some more psychic junk."


"And Castiel under the orders of God pulls you out of hell so you can stop Lillith."


"Why Lillith?"

"That's the part we didn't tell you yet." Sam said. "There are 66 Seals. Lillith is trying to break them."

"What happens if she does?"

"Lucifer rises." Dean finished. "Hell on Earth."

"And I'm here because. . ."

"Apparently God thinks that you can help us."

"How? I'm a second rate hunter at best. Adam knows dozens of other hunters that would help you way more. Hell, Adam could help you way more."

"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Dean said sarcastically.

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