The Rescue

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(Waring: this story will have blood and Gore, strong languages and more!)

Samekichi POV

I was waiting for Sal to make first move "Die!!" Sal try to kill me with his knife but I quickly Dodge it. "Hahahaha....we will be Victorious!"

I quickly try stab him but he was too fast 'what the....why he's fast?!" I thought to myself. Sal run tours wadanohara but memoca and Rocma try to make first blow. But sal manage to block their attacks and slice Rocma right to the arm. Rocma hold her arm trying to stop the blood.

"!!" Memoca try to attack sal make sure he doesn't kill rocma. But sal dodge her attack and stab her into her stomach. "MEMOCA!!!" The seagull collapse, her blood was coming out of her stomach. "Hahahaha....worthless!!"

"You bastard!" I run tours Sal try to slice him. "Oh? Did I make you mad?" He block my attack but I was manage to hit him. "Not bad.....but I think your other friends are in trouble~"

"What do you mean?" Wada ask "I mean is that shirogane is too busy killing your friends" I quickly realize that he was trying to distract us to make princess Mikotsu more time until is complete. " take memoca and the others to stop mikotsu...I'll try to give you more time!"

" can't leave you!" She ask "Don't worry I'll take care of him we're not going I said I promise I won't leave you" I smile "Okay! Peraco....Rocma take memoca and let's go help the others!" They both nodded and grab memoca left.

"Hahahaha...I don't think she going anywhere~" he try to kill wadanohara but I stop him. "I won't let you kill my mother fucker!" Sal smile

"Fine then..."

"Let the best man standing!"

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"Let the best man standing!"

I take a deep breath and run tours him "This time I won't show Mercy!"

Wadanohara POV

I was hoping the others are alright, I healed memoca she was fine. "Hey wada...I see someone up" Rocma ask I saw a showdown figure standing there. We went closer to the figure and we can't believe in our eyes. Fukami ,dolphi and Rock were injure they lost a lot of blood.

We saw a wolf and a owl staring each other. "Shiro....please stop this..." Yukisada try to talk to shirogane. "Don't worry yukisada....I'll make you death less painful" when the wolf raise his spear I quickly stop him for killing yukisada. "Yukisada get out of there now!" Rocma shouted

Yukisada run away from shirogane. "Well well isn't the sea witch I'm going to enjoy killing you!" Me and Rocma are going to fight shirogane. " you think your spell bring back shirogane?" I nodded "Yeah...but I can't not use my spell while his moving around"

"Don't worry...I'll take care of him" Rocma make her first move but shirogane block her attack. "Hahaha...come on is that all you got?" Shirogane try to stab Rocma with his spear. But Rocma dodge his attack.

Rocma POV

"Dammit!" Shirogane is really fast and I can't make the first blow. "I thought you were strong....but I guess I was wrong" Shirogane throw his spear right to my leg "shit!"

"Rocma!" Wadanohara shouted Shirogane grab his harpoon gun and shot wadanohara right to the shoulder. "Wada!" Memoca and peraco shouted. Shiro don't have time with the others because they were weak and he walk tours me "You know...I really don't want to kill you...but I have to for mikotsu..goodbye Rocma"

"Shirogane....I said stop!" Shirogane turn around and saw Yukisada. Yukisada punch shirogane in the face knocking him down. "I'm sorry shiro.." I was little surprise yukisada punch shiro.

"Holy shit..." We saw Rock awake and still alive. "You punch the shit out of him" wadanohara got up and she was still alive. "Ow...this hurt...." she walk tours us "okay let's see" she use a spell on shirogane.

Shirogane POV

I heard voice calling my name. "Shirogane are you okay! Please talk to me!" I slowly open my eyes. "Yuki....Yukisada?" I saw yukisada and Rocma looking at me. "Please tell me that's you!" I give a weak nodded "yeah...I'm fine....ow!...why my face hurts?"

"Oh! story!" I look to my left and saw a which "hello....I'm wadanohara nice to meet you!" I look back at yukisada "um....did I....miss something?" I ask "It's a really really long story" I look at Rocma and she was bleeding "ROCMA!!! WHAT HAPPENED!!!"

"No time for that for now we need to help samekichi!" Wadanohara ask. "Yeah....let's go back and save him and save iceberg lsle!" I look at the sky and saw red clouds "FOR REAL WHAT DID I MISS?!?!" I shouted. "like I said we don't have time....I heal Fukami and the others you guys help samekichi!"

"Sure come shirogane" Rocma order me to follow her "But Rocma your leg is bleeding....I don't think you fight it's best to stay here" peraco ask "I can't leave my friends bleeding to death...Shirogane can you go save samekichi your the onlyone who is fine!"

"Me?" I ask "Come on that stupid dog can't fight...hell he's going get himself killed!" Rock ask "But he's the only who can save samekichi...please shirogane help him...please" she beg me to save samekichi....but I was too weak...I can't do anything....but in once in life I have to be a hero..."Alright I'll go save him I promise"

She give me a smile "Thank you..." I nodded and try to save samekichi.

To be continue

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