Lunch Time

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I didnt know where to sit at lunch. It was like a maze. So i decided to sit at an empty table and eat alone. I started eating my pizza when the cute boy i saw in class slid over and sat next to me. "Hey" he said. He scared me i almost threw up my pizza. I wiped my mouth. "Um.... Hi" I mumbled. "What's your name again"? He asked. "Jenna"... I mumbled . "That's a nice name". He said. "I'm Cody". He said. "Cool ... I guess". I said wiping a bit of the chewed up pizza off of my shirt. "He he ....sorry" he said blushing. He handed me a napkin I hesitaded. "I don't bite". He said

    Kind of a cliff hanger right...haha


                            Jordan S. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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