My first day

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My first day didn't go to bad...My first class was Mrs.Shaylee she was nice and sweet and very smart. "Class, i want to introduce a new student joining our class named Jenna Aarons". Tell us a little bit about you Jenna" "Well, im 12 and i love to draw and i love cats." Cool well take your seat next to Marie Harris right there" said Mrs.Shaylee. i sat down and put my binder on the floor under my chair. "Um" i said quietly "i need a pencil". And as soon as i said that 4 or 5 people whiped out a pencil but a very cute boy was holding out a blue mechanical pencil and i took it. "Thanks" i said "your welcome" he said.

Tell me what you think dont be a quiet reader. Much love,

Jordan S. ❤💜❤💜❤💜

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