The Call

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Protecting Your Own

Part 1. The Call

Synposis - While having a rare quiet night, Stef and Lena get a frantic call from one of the kids.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, who were created by Bradley Bredeweg and Peter Paige and the property of them and ABC Family. However there are a few original characters i've created.

Author's Notes - Set after the summer finale I Do with some changes such as Brandon and Callie didn't get caught kissing and Callie didn't run away.

It was a rare quiet Saturday night at the Foster house. The kids were all out for the night. Jesus and Mariana went to the movies and go cart racing with Lexi and one of Jesus' teammates on the volleyball team, while Jude was on a fishing trip with Connor and Brandon and Callie went to a concert together. That left Stef and Lena alone to their own devices, which they fully took advantage of. Lena decided to give Stef a sexy surprise by dressing up as a 60s go-go dancer, complete with the mini skirt and white thigh high boots. Stef was immediately turned on by the sight of Lena all dressed up, which insured about a couple of hours of marital bliss for the ladies. Afterwards, Stef and Lena showered, go dressed in their pajamas to fix themselves a late night snack. Jesus and Mariana entered the house a few minutes before their 11 pm weekend curfew.

"Hey guys." Stef yelled out from the kitchen, which got the twins' attention.

"How was your night?" Lena asked as Jesus and Mariana came into the kitchen.

"It was fine." Jesus replied. "I dominated everyone at the go cart track yet again."

"That was only because you were bumping everyone as usual." Mariana said while rolling her eyes.

"What about the movie?" Stef asked as she was fixing a sandwich. "Is it as bad as the critics say it is?

"I thought that the movie was good." Mariana said.

"What's your review of it Jesus?" Lena asked. "Did you have a hard time having to sit through a chick flick?"

"It was pretty sappy," Jesus replied as he got a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "but it did have some obvious benefits. Besides i owed it to Lexi after i had her sit through Iron Man 3."

"Well it's nice to see you being such a considerate boyfriend."

"Now how things went between you and Eric?" Stef asked. "Enquiring minds want to know Miss Thing."

"Eric was nice and a real gentleman." Mariana replied.

"So does this means this is the start of something between you two?"

"We're still just friends mom, but you never knew."

Stef and Lena smiled at Mariana's comment. Then Lena and Jesus cleaned up in the kitchen, while Stef was pacing around a bit and looking at her watch. Lena immediately noticed her wife's anxiousness.

"Are you alright Stef?" Lena asked.

"Brandon and Callie are late." Stef replied. "It's not like them to be out after curfew."

"I'm sure they have a good reason for being late."

Stef and Lena then sat down on the couch to watch a movie on TV with Jesus and Mariana. About 30 minutes later, Stef's cell phone was ringing. She picked it up off of the table and saw from the I.D. that was from Callie.

"Hey Callie." Stef answered. "How come you and Brandon haven't come home yet?"

"Stef you gotta come down here." A shaken Callie replied.

"What happened honey?"

Lena, Jesus and Mariana watched as Stef got up from the couch and immediately knew that something was wrong when they saw a very worried look on Stef's face.

To be continued.

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