The Looking Glass of Humans

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Touch breathe and live

Take what you can give

Love not hate

Revenge is not a trait

That we should possess

But of course… we’re only human

Humans make mistakes

Yes I know

But they can shatter and break

Giving a huge blow

And yet… we repeat them continuously

We don’t learn… we’re only human

We are tempted so easily

We hoard our gold

Forget the truth, be greedy

As the heart comes second, like the soul

Money comes first, money is all

Money gives control… we’re only human


People like you and me

We think we are superior

Though we lie continuously

And cheat and grovel and steal

But when you get caught you plead and cry

After all- we’re only human.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

It does not do to preach what you do not practice

Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead

Playing with fire will just get you burnt

Taking candy from a baby will never be easy

Notice how most end in violence- these human saying?

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