Edd , eat your greens

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Dan woke up, feeling a bit sick. He wanted to eat some dry milk but who would understand him? Not his mum, thats for sure. Dan shakes his head, trying to retain the bad memories inside his head. No-one had to know.

Dan knew about a creature who wouldn't care about Dan wanting dry milk. Edd. Edd was a chicken. Not a normal chicken. Edd was a cannibal. She liked to eat chicken wings and enjoyed every moment of it.

Dan took his shirt off, leading to the bathroom.
"What the fuck?" He whispered violently, he found dead Donald Turnip on the bathtub.
"Yes kid that is right, that is my name."
"Okay. So what have you done this time?"
"Shit. You caught me. I was... just looking for Edd. You know, the chick."
"Edd is not a chick. She's a chicken."
"Oh, I missheard, my bad. I was just... twerking." Turnip said as he placed his pale hairy legs on the wall and his gentle red hands on the shower floor, starting to twerk. At this moment Dan thought he was traumatised to the 100%. But that was until Edd came running with a chicken wing and threw it to Turnip Donald. Turnip slipped with the shower curtain, falling on his twerking butt.

"Ouchie Kid," Donald said with a smile on his face, "Don't get candy from strangers!" And with that, naked Obama came running as if he was about to run for a marathon, and grabbed Donalds hand, jumping out the window and flying away.

"What a beautiful world we live in." Dan smirked as he cried. He was in love.  In love with a Turnip.

(There might be a sequel about Dan and Turnip. Stay tuned. ;))

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