Flying chicken wing

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Finally a new chapter heh sorry if you wanted more (idk why tf you would but no kink shame here guys)

Phil sat next to Dan. They both agreed that they had to find the turnip. They knew he would be somewhere with Obama, but where?

Dan got into Phil's trunk and closed it as Eddie drove off into the distance.

They grabbed a map from a local ice cream souvenir shop and started looking at the places turnip could totally be at.
"I know!" Phil exclaimed.
"What do you know?" Said Pepe.
"He's in Mexico!"
"His worst nightmare." Said Pepe.
"Who the fuck are you?" Said Dat Boi
(jks guys ill leave the old memes alone now)
Dan and Phil ran towards an old lady and grabbed her left face and said
"tell me where the money is."
The old lady quickly grabbed her suitcase and opened, revealing 3k old coconuts.
"Perfect." Said Eddie, and ate the coconut as she spoke in chicken language "&*#$".
The old lady grabbed a thunder and left.

Dan got the coconuts and went to Mexico. He knew what he was going. Suddenly, a wild lemur appeared in a bush.
"Give me all your cocos bitch." He said in a mexican accent.
"We are not giving them to you, mr lemur, we are using it for the same cause. Mind joining in to kick Turnip's ass?" Said Phil.
"Wait what?!?!?!?!" Yelled Dan as his hand melted off. "You are going to kill him???"
"No Dan, we are just bringing him home." Eddie said, laughing hysterically.

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