Slip Out

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I know that most of us have probably had slip outs in front of our parents but you gotta be pretty dumb *like me* to repeat them just so they can rehear it. XD

My mom and dad had to babysit my mom's best friend's kids for the weekend. I'm the oldest of 3 girls and my mom's friend has 4 boys. So my mom ordered pizza for dinner, when the pizza came she said "Kiara turn on the light." So I made my way to the light switch, but this HUGE spider crawled right on my hand and I lost control of my language. I screamed and started to cuss out the Damn spider "motherfucker!!!fuck my Damn life!!"I yelled as I shook off the spider. My mom then comes in "what did you say?" I swear if this was an anime she would have had the darkest aura around her. So I pretty much repeated it. "Well the spider crawled on my hand and I said 'motherfucker, fuck my Damn life."I repeated. She literally grabbed a slice of the pizza and slapped me across the face with it.

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