Hey guys...

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So sorry for the delay of a story but I'm not so sure about what I'm gonna do yet so I'll have to think on it. And ya before I get started I wanted to say somethings about the story and myself.
First the story. So it's going to be about, at first, a few friends who have research projects to do on villains of all kinds of stories. The ones I mentioned in the tags of course. So they're arguing about who's the best, whether it's HawkMoth (Miraculous), Gaea (H.O.O), Kronos/ other Titans (Percy Jackson), Set/Apophis (Kane Chronicles), Lengends villains: Lupin, Elise, Eva, while flipping through a book on villains. (Mind u, they are regular mortals at this point.) The main two girls are named Fiona Smith and Mayia Fitzgerald (possibly a third, Amethyst, I haven't worked out the kinks, details on her to come) who are either at this point or another daughters of two of the security guards of Fnaf, Jeremy Fitzgerald and Fritz Smith and idk how we're doing this but I'm gonna go off on my original idea and have Mayia's mom be the Marionette otherwise known as the Puppet. Back to the story, so they're arguing and suddenly the book starts to glow and they wind up in an alternative universe where they are demigods in Percy's world and have to help him and the other half bloods first thing. Then they discover other parts of the world, mainly Brooklyn, New York, which isn't far from Long Island, The First Nome in Egypt, Paris and whatever place the Legends be at. And they each defeat each villain from the spots, and have to deal with, how should I put this? Technically they aren't villains, I guess bullies? Like Drew Tanaka, Clarisse La Rue, and Chloè Bourgeois, as well as others. Fiona gets claimed by Hestia after a short while being at camp after arriving from her universe, and Mayia turns out to be a demigod all on her own, weirdly, only in this one universe.
That is it for now, but there is still more to the stories, this one is only the beginning.
Also sorry I have nothing to share about myself in this one because it went longer than I thought, but I will tell u one thing, the video of the song above is my absolute favorite!

As they say in Italy, Ciao!

As they say in Italy, Ciao!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

P.S Nico, Percy, Kane Chronicles characters, other Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson characters belong to Rick Riordan. I also forgot the name of the person who created Miraculous but the characters belong to them.

This is what the cover is supposed to look like however it didn't turn out to good for the front.

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