The Lost (Chapter 3)

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Thanks to all my fans!! I really hope ya'll enjoy!


Chapter 3


From the cold glare I received through the window, I knew I was in trouble. Before I could even turn to ask Ari why she was back so suddenly, my door burst open admitting a very pissed of Nina. At the same moment I felt Ari's presence leave.

Not caring that she was making a scene, she let the door slam close, making a gust of wind from behind her push her long black hair into her face. Her deep brown eyes bore into mine as I took in her unexpected presence. Her face, body, grace all rang gorgeous, in the way often judged by society, and yet she was a little exotic, with her deep, rich Brazilian skin tone. She really was gorgeous and she knew it. I waited for her to speak, knowing it was coming. What that 'it' was, was a fight. About what? Who knew..?

But she didn't tear me a new one, surprisingly enough. She just rushed to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, thinking, man it had been too long since I had seen her. I gave her a passionate kiss, then stepped back, taking her in. Her not-so-happy face appeared once more as the worry that had visited her face was erased.

"Why didn't you call me back?" My face must have looked as quizzical as I felt because she said next, "I called your place and blew up your cell telling you I was coming into town.."

"Oh, well Simon didn't give me any messages from home and my phone is lost. I had it on the subway after a game the other night, and then when I got home it was gone. I looked everywhere, and finally gave up on it. I had actually decided to go today and get a new one." I said matter-o-factly. Almost instantly her irritation dissipated, though it's not like I said sorry or anything. I don't know what's up with her. She was all over the place. She muttered, "Stupid Simon" under her breath. I let it go, she really didn't like my roommate, Simon, and he didn't like her. It was mutual.

"So, now that I'm in town, what are we going to do?" She asked and I mentally sighed, she is not going to like this...

"Umm, actually I have a big deadline tonight so the best I can do is just grab some quick Chinese, and then hang out tomorrow. I'll probably be too tired tonight to go out, but you know you are welcome to stay at the apartment. I have no idea what time I'll be home, though." Surprisingly she looked slightly smug, but only for a second before her face filled with a false pout. It was almost like she had expected I would say that.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm so exhausted from the flight that I was thinking I would just crash tonight. After we grab a bite to eat, I'll just go over to your place and chill and you can call me when you're on your way." She said sweetly.

I agreed and we left my office and made our way a couple of blocks to the nearest Chinese restaurant. The whole way she talked about her new life in Seattle, and I was content on just listening to her monologue. But to be honest, my mind was reeling. I just couldn't focus on her. My mind kept drifting to thoughts of Ari. The flashback to the past had my mind's wheels turning in a whole new direction. For the first time in months, I really tried to focus on what might have happened to her, how she could have died.. Because really, it was a mystery.


Before Nina let the door hit the jamb, I split. There was no way I was going to listen to her talk. Let's just say she is not my favorite person.

I have known Nina since high school. She was always the hottest girl in school, the girl who was equally loved and hated by everyone, the girl who always got her way. That might sound a little cliché, but honestly that stereotype described her to a tee. Oddly enough, in school, we got along rather well, actually. We weren't best friends by any means, but not enemies either. It wasn't till later that I really learned her true character.

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