Regrets (pt. 1) ✔️

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"Shawn?" I called as I entered the living room. I sighed upon realising he wasn't here like he said he'd be. He's done this a lot, left home for hours because of work, but not returning home when promised. It's getting frustrating.

"Y/N." I jumped upon hearing his deep voice. Turning around, I flashed him a smile as I headed over to give him a hug.

It surprised me when he slightly backed away from me, shooting me a nervous smile as if to make up for it. I frowned. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure," I mumbled, following him into the living room. I had no clue what we were going to talk about but it didn't sound good.

Shawn sat on the sofa, taking a deep breath in. He closed his eyes briefly, before opening them and staring straight into mine. "Y/N, I – I think we should break up."

"What?" I gaped, feeling like someone had just punched me in the stomach. "Why?"

"I just... things haven't been the same recently and... I found someone else."

I didn't respond – I couldn't. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest was constricting. Tears came to my eyes and I bit down harshly on my bottom lip. "Who... who is she?"

"You don't know her. I, um, I met her a couple of months ago at a club –"

"You're leaving me after four years for a girl you've just met?" I whispered.

"I'm sorry, but I want to be with her."

"You're moving out." I stated.

"About that..." He trailed off when I glared at him. "We may move in here, Ellie and I."

"You're kicking me out?" I cried, tears falling.

"Don't cry," Shawn turned away from me. "Please don't make this harder for me."

"Harder for you?" I gasped. "You think this is hard for you?!"

He was silent at first. "You need to pack your things up and leave, Y/N. Ellie's in the car and I told her we'd only be about an hour."

"She's here?" I ask in shock. I stand to my feet and wipe my tears. "You expect me to have everything packed in an hour?"

"Yes. Um, if you need more time you're welcome to come any other time and get your things."

I walked away from him and to our room - sorry, their room, sobbing quietly into my hand. I didn't understand why he was doing this. I didn't get it. Was I not good enough? Did I not do enough for him? I always tried so hard to be right for him but it obviously never worked.

God, I just wanted him to come in here and tell me this was all some cruel joke. I'd be hurt and upset by the joke but I'd take that over this being a reality.

"Y/N?" Shawn's voice called.

"What?" I muttered, pulling down my suitcase from the top of the wardrobe as he entered our bedroom, looking slightly lost.

"I don't know –" He paused, as if deciding whether or not he should say what's on his mind. "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing."

I wanted to slap him because giving me false hope was cruel. "Do you love her?"

"I – um, I guess I do."

I ignored his hesitant tone. "Then why are you confused?" I started taking clothes out of our – well, his wardrobe and packing into my suitcase.

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