I Cant Do It

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Your POV:
Me and y/b/f/n are in line at a meet and greet ready to meet Shawn Mendes. I love him so much, he is such an inspiration to me. He's helped me through so much. We were two spots away from meeting him and I'm really nervous. What if I get sick suddenly and throw up on him, what if I embarrass myself to death. "Y/n stop worrying, you will be fine" my best friend told me. "But what if something happens" i state worriedly. "It won't, I promise. Everything is gonna be ok, just remember how much his music has gotten you through" she says. "Ok, ok" I say taking a deep breathe in between. "Next" his bodyguard says. I instantly chicken out and drop to the floor. "No, no, no get up y/n it's time to go come on" y/b/f/n says. "I can't do it, I'm too scared" I sob. "Yes you can" she says and goes to pull me up. I refuse so she grabs my feet and starts pulling me towards the curtains that Shawn is behind. "You're going one way or another" she grunts pulling me. Once we are inside I stand up realizing how stupid and childish I looked. Shawn was looking over at me with wonder. "Is she ok" he asks my best friend. "Yeah, she's just really nervous" she states. "Hey it's ok ok beautiful, no need to be nervous" he says with a smile. I just give a small smile back and walk over to him once y/b/f/n is done taking her pictures. "I'm sorry that I came into here looking so stupid and childish, I was just really nervous" I said embarrassed. "Hey don't bring yourself down like that, it's happened before, it's not a problem, there is no need to be nervous around me sweetheart" he says looking down at me. "Thank you" I say gratefully. "No problem Hun" he says. Once I get my pictures, I hug him and as I'm walking out I turn around and wave good bye saying "thank you again, for everything". "You're welcome Hun" he says and goes to take pictures with the next fan. "See it wasn't that bad was it" my best friend asked once we were completely out of there. "No, he was actually really amazing, he was so gentle and caring" I say thinking about what just took place less than 2 minutes ago. "See I told you everything was going to be ok" she says. "Yeah" I said. Turns out meeting Shawn isn't as scary and nerve racking as I thought. He's just a normal human being that is well-known. 'Thank you Shawn for everything you do' I think in my head. Time to go watch him perform!

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