Chapter 1

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Topanga Canyon: the ultimate home of all hippies. My parents found a cabin there the size of a mansion for cheap, so they took the offer. The house looked bigger in real life than online, so we didn't know what to do with all the extra rooms. I now have 2 rooms to do whatever I like with.
"Virginia, don't break anything on your walk up the stairs please," my father requested, setting a pair of crutches at the bottom of the banister. I broke my ankle twice due to falling down stairs from skipping them or sliding down the rails. Rambunctious I told you.
"Don't worry Dad, I won't," I called out, balancing three boxes in my hands. I picked the two rooms that were joined by a door in the wall, and I had my own private bathroom.
Lucky lucky me! I thought. I looked out the window to see weeping willows and oak trees living in harmony, with a stream running from within them all the way to the side of the house and curving at the roadside. Not only was the house big, but the yards were too.
My first priority was my bed, so I got to work. All the supplies were at my feet, I just had to put it together.
Four ceiling hooks, four double-linked chains, twelve woodblocks, and one mattress later, my swinging safe haven was complete.
My other furniture was shipped beforehand, so I only had to unpack. All of my belongings managed to fit into one room, so once I finished that one I moved to the other.
The first room was fairly large, with two big windows that folded out. A walk in closet and a master bathroom were on the right, while the door to the other room was on the left.
The second room was much larger, and it had a small patio outside of sliding glass doors. Connecting to those doors were giant windows, so the whole wall served as a perfect view of the world.
"I could make it a sun room," I said to myself, opening the patio doors.  I scratched that idea as soon as I walked outside and saw that the trees would block the setting sun, turning it into a shade room.
In case you haven't figured it out, I talk out loud when I'm alone. It makes things seem more within reach. "A yoga room," I stated. This idea was soon obliterated when I remembered the one time I tried yoga and hated it.
"Guess I'll figure it out sooner or later," I sighed, walking back to my main room.
Of course when moving into a new place, one does not have pre-set friends. As a result, I was bored out of my mind. My resolution to such a problem was located on the bookshelf in the corner.
I got up and grabbed some Louis Lowrey novel and then jumped onto my bed.
The first couple chapters dragged along, and my eyelids dragged themselves down.
I was on page 37.

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