Chapter Thirty Two - A Helping Hand With Eighth Grade Math Homework

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''Hannah?'' Kieran called from his room. I sighed, climbing out of my warm bed and wrapping my dressing gown tighter around me, slipping into my slippers and wobbling into his room, ignoring my body when it pleaded for me to climb back in and ignore my brother.

''What's up bro?'' I asked sleepily as I came and sat next to him at his desk. His eyebrows were knitted together in confusion, a serious look on his face as his eyes scanned over a large maths text book.

''I'm stuck.'' he said, tearing his eyes away from the evil looking book and back up to my face.

''Maths homework?'' I asked, unsure.

''Yeah, I have to do it for Monday or Miss Kerr will shout at me!'' he said, sounding horrified by the idea. I smiled, by brother was cute.

''Lemme see.'' I said, nodding towards the book and holding out my hand, grimacing as I read over the questions, I was never one for maths, I struggle with my own class work never mind something I haven't done it what? Six years?

''See? They're really hard!'' he told me. I agreed, this was some complicated maths problems he had here.

''Err...Kieran I don't think I'll be able to help you here.'' I told him sorrowfully. First of all, this was maths, and I sucked at maths. Second of all, I was sick. After that little episode in the rain last Friday, I have been as sick as a dog, and had to stay off school. Luke comes to see me as often as he can, and Aiden comes round when my dad isn't home. Lucky pig didn't even get the sniffles, but here I am with a fever, a tummy bug, a sore head, watery eyes and a runny nose.

''But what will I do?'' he exclaimed, his eyes widening with worry. Oh how I long for the days when your biggest worry was getting your eighth grade maths homework in on time.

''Er, why don't you ask dad?'' I suggested, knowing it was a stupid idea since he wouldn't be able to help anyway.

''He's not home, he left an hour ago and told me to wait till you woke up!'' he told me.

I sighed. What was I going to do?

''Why don't you ask Aiden? He's really good at maths.'' I suggested. Aiden was like top of every class, plus he was the year above me which meant he would be doing more difficult stuff, he was determinately a pro at maths compared to me.

''Oh!'' Kieran's eyes sparkled with joy as he realised there was another option. He hated getting in trouble. My brother was a bit of a nerd! ''Okay! Can we go over there?'' he asked.

''Not now, you can't go yourself and I don't really want to have to get dressed or get up or anything. Why don't you just call him? You can use my phone it's in my bag.'' I told him. He nodded enthusiastically and headed out to get my phone.

I tapped my fingers on the desk impatiently as I waited for him to return. If Aiden came over he could watch Kieran and I could go back to bed. I liked the sound of that. Bed, oh how I missed my bed...

Aiden's P.O.V

I put down my bowl of fruit loops as my phone began to ring and pulled it out of my back pocket. I was hoping it would be Hannah, she got sick after last week in the rain, it's a wonder why I didn't get sick too.

I was pretty worried about her, it wasn't anything serious but I didn't like knowing that she was unwell, and any time I was certain her dad was out I would stop round and see her. It was strange, before, we were just physical, but now we're together, we like have conversations, and hang out, we haven't even really kissed since that night, since she's been so sick. I don't care, but she refuses to get me sick, so I just have to wait till she gets better.

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