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"Emma! Hey, you could answer one of our texts I know your getting them they say read." Brooke says as her Riley and I all catch up to walk beside Emma on the sidewalk.

"Hi Riley." She says completely ignoring Brooke and I.

"What're you listening to?" Riley ask Emma seeing that she has earphones in.

"Uh, that true crime podcast, they're covering Ninas murder."

"AOC? I'm addicted, they have like a crazy huge following, I can't believe that chicks here talking about our Nina." Riley says as Brooke and I struggle to keep the speed that they are walking, obviously because Emma is wanting to get away from us.

"Oh, Nina, always loved to be the center of attention." Brooke says and Emma stops.

"Yeah apparently even with Will."

"Emma wait, look we're sorry we shouldn't have dropped Wills indiscretion like that at the party."

"No, you should have told me when you found out!"

"I know I know, I'm sorry it's just you know how Nina could be if you crossed her I mean she would terrorize you, seriously we were scared of her." I say trying to convince Emma that we really we doing this for the sake of all of us not being tortured.

"Em, we are really sorry."

"Okay, I'm still pissed but you're both on probation."

"Hey I would do community service for you, I would even wear an ugly orange jumpsuit for you." We all laugh at Brooke's statement which eases my anxiety, one less person to worry about being mad at us.

"Well I'm touched."

"Thank God, I can call off the intervention." Riley says and threads her arms between Emma's and mine Brooke joining in on the other side of Emma.

"Hey, have you guys gotten any wired phone calls lately?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, selling generic sex pills from India, no, thank you."

"No like creepy mysterious weird, I don't know this guy called and said something about how we present to have perfect lives online, on Instagram and Facebook."

"Well, he must be ancient if he thinks we're still on Facebook." I say and continue dragging all of us to Bransons class.

"It's probably just Jake being a douche." Riley says and laughs to herself.

"Maybe." Brooke says.

"Yeah maybe." Emma says, not convinced by their accusations.


"I don't care what the press says, Tyler's not some closet slasher-psycho." Riley says and walks over to her locker.

"I mean, I can't really picture him doing it either, but if he's innocent why doesn't he come forward?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe he's afraid, I just wish he'd call me back." She says but at this point I've stopped listening, because of the fact that Will for some reason is leaning right against my locker.

Asterism; Kieran WilcoxWhere stories live. Discover now