What happened?

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My eyes open softly as I try to turn my head swelling from pain I couldn't seem to recall anything that was happening it was all fuzzy and the pain that swelled in my head causing me to groan out made everything so much harder to think. My vision was blurry but even though it was I could tell that the room was pitch black the only thing I could see was a crack under the door the light spotted as my vision on started to clear up. I thought about my keys I hurry to try and grab them when I realize the cold chains around my hands making it impossible for me to move. My eyes start watering as I hear someone outside of the hallway and footsteps coming closer to me the floors and walls where freezing and rough scratching my hand as I backed into it. My only thought was 'How on earth did I get myself into this mess ' before it all came back to me

I look around the empty street stretching from s job I just took to get my by helping an old lady do some yard work giving me a little money until I found a place that would give me more permanent work of course . The street was could and I had a very eery feeling I was being watched I looked behind me not seeing anyone so I threw it off as my imagination but the feeling stayed no one was around me the air was tense and cold and the lights kept in flickering making it hard to make out everything around me. I shifted nervously and put my have on my gate keys just in case something where to happen. I closed eyes stopping so that could see if I felt anyone's presence or could hear it and the answer came right after . Suddenly I jump hearing the footsteps behind me I feel a warm hand over my mouth but I couldn't see who it was I felt my eyes water Up as I try to grab one of my keys realizing they where gone my eyes widen ' no is this the end? what will happen?  I'm to young to die!  ' I think as I try to pull my foot up to kick him I feel something push me to sleep ' no a sleeping spell this guy must be a wizard ' I try to fight it not giving in soon enough I hear the man growl in annoyance " if you don't give in soon il make you sleep on way or another " his voice was horse cruel and soulless I  start to try and struggle from his grip but he hand both my hands behind my back I try harder to get away from him having no success with it " I warned you blondie " he says as I feel pain so intense in my head that I start to feel week my knees give out making me fall to the ground a pair of black shoes walking closer to me are in my vision getting blurry " you should listen when someone talks to you " I hear he sane rough soulless voice say again as everything goes back .

I look up as the room gets brighter seeing the door open standing there is a man that had long spikey purplish hair and a scare across one of his eyes he wore a long white coat with a black shirty and black pants with a black and silver belt that went across his waist loosely. He looked at me and I start to back away more just feeling my lady hand have some warm liquid run down it the man chuckles as if it was funny I get a since if bracket realizing they had my gate keys " give me back my gate keys I need them there the only family I have left " she says looking at him with a determined look  . " listen here miss Lucy you where caught by me and my guild and we plan to sell you you will be worth quite a good price being the daughter of Jude heartfilia your attractive and you are still innocent you'll go fit quite a good price were sure to make alit of money from you and if you don't behave yo will never see your keys ever again" he says a cold smirk on his face he was heartless there was no getting through to him at all. She felt her eyes start to Water at the thought of never seeing any of her spirits again no her friends she loved them all so much they where her family now Loke, Taurus, Virgo and even Aquarius she loved them all so much they where her family. The man just stared at her as she cried to herself he walked closer to her and she turned her head away from him " don't touch me!" She said as she felt his hand grab her chin harshly his hands where cold my eyes look at  him she quickly bit his have and cussed out loud smacking her half across the face " You will listen to me and get dressed or you will never ever se your stupid keys again " he said and then he grabs her by the collar and walks out of the room into the hallways that where only lit my touches the stone walls shiver as if they where slightly  wet her hand still had red traces on it and her eyes water as the collar chocked her slightly stress taken up a stairwell the turned into another part if this dungeon but this one had a window and the inside looked rather nice it had a rug on the floor and there was a desk and a wooden door that she could only assume lead to a closet the walks where white and ceiling had historical art on it she looked around at the pretty room swing a girl come out of the closet looking at her she had green hair thAt fell down to her waist and whore a shirt black dress with a white scarf around her neck I took the chance to take my keys back and put a spell on the making him forget about them and make them invisible it wouldn't last long since I didn't Concentrate completely when I cast the spell and put the keys under my skirt  " you know what to do hate her but she looks nice the buyers will be here soon we'll probably get alit of money off this one " he says she couldn't help but look at he women and wonder how are gut involved in this she looked sweet and nice unlike the soulless guy beside her she just nodded and pulled me  closer to her as  the man walked out they both jumped as the door slammed shut . She looked at the girl biting her lip slightly admiring her a little fit surviving this awful place.the girl sighs and turns around to her thinking did a moment as she stated this of course make Me very uncomfortable and she tensed" ah I know what to put you in " she says and goes over to the for opening it up revealing a huge closet that even I wasn't used to lined with hundreds of confused dressed skirts bras panties and anything else you can imagine I looked at her with amazement as she pulled out a blue top that had a glitter on it making it shine like the starts in the light bit the only problem was it nastily was a bra and a white mini skirt that only covered to a lout my thighs and looked like it was made from silk.I had to admit I liked it but it was really revealing and even I didn't want that after all i did have standards. The girl looked at her and started to take off all my tattered and dirty clothing she looked at my keys and my eyes widen as I quickly turned so she wouldn't touch them I didn't know if I could trust her after all. The girl looked up at me " interesting so your a celestial mage " she said as she generally put her hand on my back to calm me " listen here blonde I'm not taking away your gate keys I'm surprised he didn't already take them away you must have hidden them well it put a spell on them I'm assuming " I looked at her and nodded wearily before she took my keys and gently placed them where I could see them before she put me in a hot bath washing my hair and face it was so relaxing I love every moment in the bath I didn't realize how much I missed doing things like this The warm feeling of hot water on my body was enough to making my whole body relax and my senses cleared my thoughts opened up but I did however keep an eye on my gate keys the whole time still not trusting this girl after she cleaned me up she hot a towel and wrapped I around me drying me off and then blow dried my hair I felt how soft it was and smiled blushing softly. She then brushed my hair getting out all the tangles and straightened my hair then put blue ribbon in my hair that shined it was over my head like a headband and I but my lip as she put on the bra like top and the silky white mini skirt she liked at me and then put some mascara and lipgloss on me. I looked in the mirror it looked really sexual but I had to deal with it all zodiac keys were on vacation and I couldn't Summon any of them I will as soon as I can though i put my gate keys on my hip and put a spell on them making sure no one could see them the women looked at him and sighs slightly then I hear a loud noise and the man comes back in again." Ah you look a lot better I kinda want to keep you for myself but I already have a Slave but you will go at high price since I know your still innocent and cute " he says and then I was dragged to a room that was empty and there was a curtain I blush deeply hearing voices I turn around and a blindfold was put over my eyes so I couldn't see anything all the sudden something bright was in my face and I heard a man start talking " alright this is the crown jewel of the evening her name is miss Lucy heartfilia she was caught running away from her father who then gave her to us she has brown eyes and as you can tell her body is quite arousing and I assure you she is still innocent . " I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes as u hear him explain I was strong I wasn't voting to cry not fit this not when I could summon loke to save me as soon as he finished his vacation. " we start the bid at 10,000!" The man said
"I say 30,000"
"No 40,000"
"I want her for 50,00o"
"400,000 Jewel! "
My eyes widen I wasn't worth that much money! " going once..... Going twice ... Sold to mister nastu dragneel come claim your prize! " so nastu dragneel? Huh his babe sounds awfully familiar but where have I heard it before or maybe I have read it.

So that's the end of this chapter I might add more later I did this on my phone so there might be a few typos sorry guys but you know autocorrect  isn't that fun anyways tell me what you think of this  ☺️

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