He Cares??

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I feel soft light hit my eyelids and squint them as if to regain the darkness failing to regain it I bit my lips as if to decide to fully awaken or not. I slowly flutter my eyes open to see someone laying on the bed across from me I look out the window hearing birds chip I smile seeing two on my window seal and see Nastu laying in bed beside me I feel my cheeks immdently start heating up and I go to hit him before I realize something i take a look around the room realizing it wasn't mine ..... It was Nastus. He brought me to his room but why? I look around the room seeing the flames on his walls that I had complemented on when I first saw this room. I try to think of a reason before my head has a slightly sharp pain in it and I wince slightly before I remember what happened to me . He threw a freakin bottle at my head while he was getting drunk . I growl as I look at him he looked so peaceful while he slept but that didn't excuse him from almost putting me in a coma .. Ok I'm probably being dramatic but that doesn't make it any less wrong!! He has no right to look all innocent laying there with his pink hair a mess and the cutest blush on his cheeks...... Wait.... What did I just think ... Gah!! No I can't think of him like that not him...... Why is this so complicated!!! Whatever I'm going to kick him up! I try to get out of his death grip thankfully not waking him up he was a really deep sleeper. I stand up slowly and softly as to not to wake him I wanted this to be as painful as it was going to be surprising for him I raise my foot far back before I hear a small girls voice behind me
" oh look your finally awake I'm glad." I turn around and jump to see a girl who looked to be about 14 and had long blue hair that was currently put up in pigtails and she wore a green dress that looked like it was made with shimmering scales with sandals. I look at her wondering who she was and why she was here . Did she live here and Nastu not tell me about her? I've never seen her around I don't think at least.
" um hi my name is Lucy, Lucy heartfillia and you are? "I ask In a very unconfident voice she looks at me a moment before smiling at me sweetly I couldn't help but think she was the cutest thing ever I smile back at her before I hear her speak softly
" hello my name is Wendy marvel. I'm from fairy tail I'm a sky dragon slayer I can heal people that's why I'm here if you were wondering. Nastu called me here because he hurt you he was so ashamed of himself and was so worried he refused to leave your side you've been out for three days now I should make you some food then I should get going " she says and smiles slightly before she looked at me with s very serous expression before she spoke
" I hope you relized this but Nastu does care about you he only bought you from the action to save you he did the same thing with another girl a few years back I had just joined the guild at the time but he cared for her deeply as well he wanted to save her from getting hurt by anyone so he bought her from an auction he helped her and they were very close but three years ago she disappeared and she just returned Nastu was heartbroken." She grew sad as she looked at the ground I bite my lip so he does care what happens to me I think for a minute remembering the fight Nastu had with that white haired girl
" hey by any chance was the girls name Lissana?" I ask as I look at Wendy . The blue haired girls eyes went wide.
" how did you know?!" She asks I smile slightly
"We've all met before honestly she seems really nice but from what I understand she really hurt Nastu a lot I understand why now." I sad sadness was clear as crystal in my voice I let my eyes up from the floor to look the for in the eyes again.
" hey he really does care about you Lucy he only bought you to save you and make you happy again but that being said he also sees something in you that makes him happy." Wendy says and looks at her continuing what she was saying .
" well I'm going to go to make you something to eat and hey you should get to bed you haven't eaten or dranken in three days you could pass out if your not in bed right now besides in sure Nastu would like to see you when he wakes up. I'll go get you some fruit and some soup that should fill you up happy me and Carla made some earlier it's really good" she smiles and goes downstairs I could hear her footsteps disappear as she walked down the long halls I sigh and sit next to him. So he sees something in me huh? I'm. Not sure but that dream I had could it mean something he has the same pink hair as the little boy ... And the same scarf .. Is it possible it's him? No Lucy stop it your just being crazy again I go beside him and feel how warm he is and bite my lip. So he's trying to save that's amazing nice of him I admit he never really scared me or threaten me me in anyway really he has this touch guy act about him around me sometimes but maybe that's because.... He doesn't want to get hurt again . ... The way Lissana hurt him the first time I sigh and feel something stir beside me . I sit up and look over just in time to see Nastus eyes flutter open I smile slightly.
" hey good morning you shouldn't get used to sleeping with me I'll kick you out. " I say he just starred at me as if trying to figure out if he was dreaming with a dazed look in his eyes.
" hello earth to Nastu" I say looking at him. Waving my hand in front of him to get him back to reality. He finally blinks and pulled me into a really tight hug wrapping his arms around me bringing my body as close to his as he could I feel his hot breath on my neck and I feel my whole face go red.
" n-Nastu?" I blush harder when he just holds me tighter before I hear him whisper in a voice that soundly like he was on the brink of tears.
"I'm sorry... I'll never hurt you again ..,, Luce I promise I didn't mean to ...... I'm glad your ok . " be says and I relax and hug him back boring my lip slightly i left myself wondering though .... How do I feel about my master Nastu Dragneel?

Sorry for the short chappy!! And that I took so long I've been really busy lately! I've been babysitting 7 kids a day doing a lot of work please understand its hard . Also this was no proofread and I did it on my phone to please let me know of any typos so I can fix them alright goodnight my lovely's

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